older and younger

Dmitry and Cody both sat alone on the beach of the wide Welsh coastline. The sand underneath them was comfortable, the breeze cool. Neither of them had spoken a word for a few minutes. They were away from the crowd and celebration. Dmitry had wanted privacy, but now that he got exactly that, he wasn't sure what to say. Not that he didn't know what he wanted to express, but how. Not like he could just start with "hey, long time no see since I butchered our family. How's it hanging, bro." If he wanted Cody to run away in tears it was the perfect start, though.

"I missed you so much, Big Brother."

Dmitry's heart stopped at the sound of those kind, warm words. A heavy weight left his shoulders. Even when Cody's voice no longer had that childish tone, he could still feel the sweetness within them. "You have no idea how much I wanted to hear those words from you, Cody. I was afraid you would hate me for disappearing."

"No! I couldn't. After mum, dad, and Sean… after that night, when I learned you had disappeared, I was so hurt. I cried for days. I thought you had also… I thought whoever hurt our family also hurt you,′ Cody said, holding back tears.

That brought some resemblance of pain to Dmitry's heart. The last thing he would ever do was hurt what mattered the most to him. He grabbed Cody's hand. 'It's fine. Ask.'

"What happened, Big Brother? Where did you go?′

"I ran away. I couldn't stand being locked up any longer."

"You ran from the hospital."

"From the psychiatric ward," Dmitry grinded his teeth. "I was sent to a looney house, Cody. Not some hospital."

The younger sibling became speechless. "Mum and dad told me you went to a hospital to get help. That you were sick"

Dmitry pounded the wet sand with his fist. His teeth grinded so hard his fangs nearly pierced his lips. "They lied, Cody. They lied to you and me. I suffered there so much. I can't remember how many damn times I was sedated like an animal. Or restrained. It was a nightmare." He painted a vivid detail to Cody about what he went through. The force readings, straight jacket. He made sure to explain everything exactly how he remembered it.

Cody fought tooth and nail to keep tears back. Why would their parents lie about this? But as he thought about it, it started to make sense why he wasn't allowed to visit him at a hospital. He tightened his grip on his brother's large hand. "I'm sorry, Big Brother! I didn't know. They told me I couldn't see you until you got better. I… I…"

"Hey, it's fine. It isn't your fault. Our parents were liars." And that's why they got what they deserved. Dmitry smiled. "I managed to escape from that place. I ran away, and didn't want them to catch me. Who knows what they would have done to me."

"Did you know about our parents and Sean?"

"I did. Was outside the house when the police arrived." It wasn't time for any more information than that. Not yet at least. It would shatter Cody if he learned the whole truth. "I can't say more than that. Breaking out from a ward is a crime. I'm technically still a criminal for that."

"Cody stood up, taking a few steps back from his brother, trying to catch his breath, to clean away the tears threatening to escape. "Is that why you never visited me?" His question was angry, and he felt guilty. His eyes glued to his sneakers. "I was lonely without you, Big Brother. After losing our parents and losing you, I couldn't take it. Couldn't sleep or eat."

Dmitry jumped back to his feet and closed the distance between himself and his brother. "I wanted nothing more than to see you again, little brother. But I couldn't. It was dangerous. And I wasn't ready to confront you. To see you crying because of me. Hurting because of me," he said. "It's my fault you suffered these ten years. I wasn't strong enough to stop our parents from keeping us away. Wasn't strong enough to come back sooner." Getting to his knees and bowing down, he said, "will you forgive your stupid older brother?"

"Big Brother, what are you doing? No, please get up. I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. I'm just confused. Lost. There's so much I don't know. There's stuff Uncle Arnold and Aunt Angela are not telling me." Every time he asked, he was told it wasn't the time to talk about it. "I don't even know why our parents were killed."

Dmitry was happy to be bowing this time, so he could hide his wide grin from his brother. So he did not know about it. "I'm so glad," he said too gleefully. "Glad you don't blame me, Cody. Wouldn't blame you for feeling like I abandoned you. But I didn't. Please trust me. I don't deserve it, but know I still love you. And one day I'll tell you everything. You deserve it."

"You promise?"

Cody smiled. It had been so long since he heard that question. It made his heart skip a beat. This was Dmitry. "I know that." He jumped into his brother's arms, getting a thigh bear hug in return. "I love you, Big Brother."

"Love you too, Cody." Dmitry gave him a kiss on the head.

"I should get going. Oh! I want you to meet someone. His name is Connor. He's special to me."

Everything around Dmitry went blank. He couldn't hear a single sound, except Cody's word. The phrase "he's special to me" echoed within his mind. He had to be referring to the guy Mahnaz pulled away. That bastard was stealing Cody from him! He couldn't let that happen.

"Wait, Cody." Dmitry stopped Cody by grabbing his wrist. The moment of anger blinded him to his strength, making his brother wince in pain. "Shit, sorry Cody."

"Ouch! You got strong, Big Brother. You nearly broke my wrist." He joked but he was in pain so he had to hold his wrist with his other hand. "What's wrong?′

"I don't want to meet him," he said, louder than expected. "I mean, you shouldn't tell him, or anyone, about me. Remember, I'm a criminal. Honestly, I'm risking your freedom for talking to me. Don't put him in danger too." He smiled, but deep inside he imagined tearing that Connor bastard limb from limb.

"Oh right. Forgot about that. I was so excited for you to meet him. I don't want to keep secrets from our aunt and uncles, though." And then there was the psychologist too. It felt wrong.

"That's why I didn't want to talk to you yet. I'm putting you in a very shitty position, little bro."

It made sense. The last thing he wanted was to put Dmitry in any trouble because of his mouth. He didn't miss and cry for his brother for ten years just to help put him behind bars again. It would take time for things to get resolved, and he would accept it. Even if he still did not fully understand everything that was happening. He thought pushing his brother to give more information was not a good idea.

"You have a phone? I'll give you my number so we can meet when I can," Dmitry said. Cody gave him his phone. Dmitry put his number and name under a pseudonym.

"Try? Isn't it a little too on the nose?"

"It'll work. Trust me."

The brothers said their goodbyes with one last hug. Both wanted it to last forever, but they broke it up. Cody went back to the celebration, texting his boyfriend he was on the way.

Dmitry extended his arm, trying to reach for his brother again. Take him away from everyone that wishes to keep them apart. From those that want to take him from him. "Cody, I'm sorry for making you depend on others. I'm sorry for letting someone else try to take your heart away from me, but I'll take it back soon enough." He growled under his breath and said, "why the hell are you spying on me, Mahnaz?"

"Is that really how you thank someone that helped this heartwarming reunion happen in the first place?" She emerged from behind a few rocks not far from the water. "Your little brother is quite the looker. I see that handsomeness runs in the family."

"Don't talk about my brother like that, got it?"

"Relax. He's too young for me anyways. And I respect his tastes too," she let out a not so innocent chuckle. "But seriously, I am happy you got to talk to him. It's not everyday that I get to see your smile, Dmitry. It is a beautiful one at that."

Dmitry grew silent. He had never had his smile flattered like that before. "Um… th-thanks? I guess."

She took a few steps towards him, until she was so close he could smell her sweet perfume. "You act like an angry boy all of the time, but deep inside you are a sweet puppy in need of his family."

"Is it wrong for me to want my brother back?" he asked.

"Oh… I suppose not." Mahnaz was taken aback by his serious question. "I understand, you know. I lost my siblings during the famine back in Iran. It's a terrible heartache."

"Is that why you are helping me?"

"That is a reason, yes." She wrapped her small hands around his right one. "Look, I am also curious where you'll take this. When you'll tell him the truth about everything, including us. If I can help, I will."

"Don't get too involved in my business. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it," he said.

"Hopefully I don't have to save your butt if it collapses."

Dmitry rolled his eyes. "Let's go. You know how he gets whenever we show up too late."

As Dmitry and Mahnaz headed back to their "home," Cody arrived, dropped off by an Uber after Connor had suddenly left. He had called him to talk, his reasons were weird to say the least. But he didn't push. He was too happy to be angry at Connor. Maybe this was life giving him a second chance to reunite with his brother.

As he got out of the Uber, he noticed a police car parked outside his uncle's house, along with a medical team. His heart began to skip beats as he got closer to the door. "Uncle? Aunt? Is everything all right?"

Aunt Angela stopped talking to the police and dashed for Cody, hugging him, checking his body. "Are you hurt anywhere, Cody?"

"No. What happened?"

She looked at her husband before answering them. She wanted to tell him the truth, but what would that do to him? All of the progress he's made after many visits to the psychiatrist for many years could be undone. "Someone broke in and tried to rob us, dear. Your uncle forced them out, but they still hurt him."

"Uncle," Cody took a knee, "did they hurt you too much?"

The man chuckled. "You should have seen the other guy. Taught that punk a lesson."

"Is Elizabeth okay?"

"She's not back from her dance lessons."

Cody sighed in relief.

"We'll do our best to catch the blokes that broke into your house, sir. We have the description. Give us time. We'll keep you informed," one of the police officers said.

"Thank you. I'll see you out," Aunt Angela said.

"I wish I had been here to help you, uncle," Cody said.

"Nonsense! I'm not some old bag that can't take care of himself yet, young man. I'm sure I broke that kid's nose as bad as he broke our table," Arnold said.

Cody laughed. He was happy knowing he didn't come back to see a house with his loved ones hurt. And with Dmitry back in his life, maybe things would get back to normal one day.

In East London, the eerie sounds of screams and gunfire reverberated through the desolate halls of an abandoned textile factory, long forgotten in the annals of industry. The cacophony of chaos bounced off the rusted machinery, blending with shouted orders in English tinged with the distinctive accent of the Albanian mafia. Amidst the turmoil, directives to secure a mysterious box and evacuate rang out, accompanied by the menacing click of weapons being readied.

"Nënë-qim!" bellowed an Albanian thug, his voice drowned by the rapid firing of his automatic rifle. Yet, his shots found no mark as their attackers moved so fast they avoided every shot. "Hurry, grab the merchandise!"

As the last of the men scrambled with their boxes, allowing armed guards to lead the retreat, a heavy door slammed shut, sealing off the frenzied scene from the outside world.

Beside him, another member of the crew, of an older age his pistol clenched tightly, asked, "Who's attacking us? Turks? Russians?"

The first man shook his head, his face etched with terror. "You ever seen a Turk or Russian move like that? These are devils."

"Allah protect us," his companion whispered.

"There's no god here. Closest thing to it is me!" With a few thunderous punches Kyeran tore down the metal door. Before the men could react, he was upon them.

A swift, hard slap sent one of the gunmen crashing into the wall, blood splattering as flesh met metal.

"Afrim!" The other man opened fire, but his desperate shots found no target. With a swift movement of the hand Kyeran cut the fingers holding the rifle, leaving the man writing in agony as he held his fingers to stop the bleeding.

"What do you want? Who do you work for?"

Kyeran's answer was to brutally pierce the man's chest with his hand, going all the way through. "I work for no one," he declared, coldly discarding the lifeless body.

"Not exactly true... Kyeran." The voice came from behind, its owner a weary-looking redhead guy. Already tired and sleepy despite the chaos.

"Shut up, Darragh."

"What are we even…doing here? Don't tell you want," he yawned, "some coke?"

"The hell is wrong with you? You think someone like me needs that shit? Not like it affects us," Kyeran replied. "I'm just having a bit of fun. Letting out some stress. No one's gonna cry for this trash anyways. Besides, your sister was happy to come."

"Niamh does whatever she thinks will give her some praise," Darragh said, resting against the wall.

"At least the girl is more fun than you are. Can't you keep those eyes open for more than a minute?! How about you help me clean up this mess?"

"Aye, aye, don't eat the head off me." Darragh pushed himself away from the wall. His keen ears detected the sound of approaching footsteps.

From the other end of the hallway, in front of Kyeran, two armed men showed up, guns aimed at them. They shouted something in their native language before opening fire.

Darragh opened his eyes wide, his beautiful emerald green eyes on display. The man moved like lightning, darting past Kyeran so fast his hair rippled. Within the blink of an eye Darragh was on the other side of the hallway. The two Albanian drug dealers' bodies lay on the floor, headless. Their heads were tightly grasped by his hands, iron sharp nails digging into their skulls. "Happy?"

Kyeran smiled, contemplating how someone this lazy and sleepy could be so fast. "You see what a little encouragement from me does? You should listen to your betters more often. I'm the strongest of the group after all."

Here we go again with that, Darragh thought. "That Dmitry boyo ain't half bad, Kyeran. He has a lot of potential."

The wall cracked open as Kyeran slammed his fist against it. "Don't mention that little shit's name in front of me. He isn't on my level."

"According to you no one is, ya donkey's arse!" Darragh has seen Dmitry and Kyeran fight enough times to see that Dmitry had a lot more to offer. "The past few training sessions, you've been struggling against him more than usual."

Before he knew it Kyeran had slammed him against the well, pinning him with his strong arm pressed against the Irish's neck. "You want to rephrase what you said? Me struggling? ME? Against that shit that belongs in some sewer? As if."

Darragh looked back at Kyeran with the same drowsy eyes he looked at everything else. "Spare me your bitching and moaning just because you can't or won't see what everyone else can see." The only reply he got back was a growl. "If you weren't such an arrogant brat, the others would like you better."

Kyeran scoffed. "Please. If it weren't for me training them, they probably would have gone insane. They should be worshiping the ground I step on." He turned around and started to walk away with a smug look.

"With that charming attitude, I can't believe Mahnaz is spending so much time with the new lad."

With his fist balled, Kyeran turned around fast and violently to punch Darragh.

Darragh moved to the side using the agility he was known for, Kyeran's fist just missing him. But even as it passed by his neck, he felt the extreme force behind that punch. This crazy bastard had intended to really hurt him, he thought. Darragh grabbed hold of Kyeran's wrist, then quickly pressed his elbow against the taller man's neck to pin him against the wall, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"Listen to me, bastard, and listen to me well. While I respect you as our leader, and acknowledge you are the strongest, tone it down with the god complex," he said as he fought off Kyeran. "You ain't that, boy. No one sees you like that. The only one I can worship is the Master for giving me and my sister a second chance in life after our parents died in the IRA. Got it?" He slammed Kyeran against the wall one more time before letting him go and walking.

Kyeran coughed a couple of times before giving Darragh a look that could burn a hole through his back. "You fucking cunt!"

"Eat it!"

That conversation with Kyeran had exhausted Darragh. It was always like that. After being together for so long, one would think he would have gotten used to the guy's god complex. He pushed that aside for now. Right now, he wanted to locate his sister. He could feel her presence nearby. It was hard to miss a presence as strong and ominous as their presence.

After a few more turns he found her and a couple of Albanians in a storage room. Niamh stood on top of a couple of wooden boxes, a brown teddy bear sitting next to her legs. In front of her were two Albanian men fighting each other. They had bruises, cuts and dried up blood all over their faces and arms. From those open bruises protruded what looked like red strings. No, not string, they were nerves, muscles, and blood twisted together into grotesque tendrils. These tendrils were long and reached all the way to Niamh's fingertips. Whenever she moved her fingers the men moved. They punched each other before dropping on their knees.

"Aw, come on, can't you do better than that?" The petit, red-haired girls cried. "You are fighting to see who likes me the most. Whoever wins gets to praise me every day from now on."

The two men were sobbing as pain and terror flooded their minds. One of them begged her to stop in his native language.

"Hmm, that doesn't sound like praise."

"Niamh, stop this already. You ain't getting anything from them except wailing," Darragh said as he stood outside the room. "Let's go."

"Aw, but Darragh I wanted to make them praise me."

"I said let's go."

She would have cried more but her brother's speech caught her attention. "You aren't pausing and yawning? That means you are fully awake. It's Kyeran, isn't it?"

"Aye. That conceited bastard knows how to get me riled up," he replied. "Let's go, this place reeks. Let your puppets out of their misery too."

She sighed. "Okay." She unattached the tendrils off of her fingertips, grabbed her teddy . Then slit their throats open. "There. Happy?"

"Creepy ass powers you got, sis."

"At least it is more creative than just being super fast or strong."

"Fair enough. Since you did a good job today I'll buy you some treats."

The girl smiled. "Oh wow, you are much more generous when you are awake, Darragh."

Darragh opened his mouth wide for a big yawn. "Let's do it fast before I change… my mind."

Both siblings held each other's hands as they walked out of the derelict factory. Darragh didn't bother telling Kyeran. That arrogant bastard could find his way back home accompanied by the only person that could tolerate his god complex.