Yolanda and Mr Campbell's driver helped him on a bed

"And why will you do that to boss?" The driver asked glaring at Mandy and Dylan

"Mind the way you talk to my siblings mister" Craig and Joy yelled at the driver

It was as if they plan to say that statement

They way the yelled waked Mr Campbell up,the driver stared at them in shock

They glared at him fiercely, the driver shrink on his seat

"Who are this kids mother "the driver thought

"Grandmother you were saying something about ex husband,what do you mean?" Mandy asked

"He's my ex husband" Yolanda muttered staring at Mr Campbell

Before Mr Campbell could blink,all the children bounce on him,some where kicking him,somewhere knocking his bald head

"Get this devils away from me" Mr Campbell cried

After minutes of struggle, Yolanda and the driver managed to get them off Mr Campbell whose face was red and swollen

"Why did you do this nonsense?" Yolanda yelled

"Because he deserved it,do you think I don't know about him and what he did to you?,huh!,do you think i don't know that you cried every night because of him?,do you think I don't heard your conversation with Aunty Daisy,there's nothing I don't know about him,just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean I don't know,he fucking abandoned you" she shouted

"Is that why you asked them to beat him,are you crazy?" Yolanda yelled

"Yes I am,mother inherited craziness from you,and I also inherited it from her,crazy grandmother" She said

"Is that why you're using the F word" Yolanda said

"Come off it, why did you even interrupted us,it's been long I released my energy, flex my body" she said

"He's your grandfather Mandy" Yolanda said softly

"Ex grandfather okay?,where did we stop?" She asked

"Don't worry,I think it's high time I explain the matter to you" Yolanda said

"Years ago,I was happily married to him,but after few years of marriage, I couldn't give birth to a child,so his mother insisted that he should marry another woman who would give him a heir,because she can't let her husband hard earn company to be handed to a child that's not a Campbell family" Yolanda said

"So… you where drove out,but you didn't know that you were pregnant, and that doesn't change the fact that he is a coward" Mandy said bluntly

"Who gave birth to a grandmother in a seven years old body?" The driver asked before he could stop himself

"Oh great, great grandfather I greet you,you better face your business, are you not even a driver,are you not supposed to stay outside?,are you a spy sent by his mother to check maybe mother's still alive?" Mandy asked

"No,am not a spy" the driver said,looking at Mr Campbell to give him a go ahead to leave from this devil

"You can go" Mr Campbell said

"You heard that,now use the door" She said

"Mandy…" Yolanda called

"She is right Yolanda,am a coward, I couldn't face my mother and fight for you,am sorry Yolanda please forgive me"Mr Campbell said going on his knees

He groan in pain when his kneel touched the ground

"Good beating bringing out good sense,don't worry we have hot water in a flask, you will use it and massage your kneels" Mandy said

"Thanks" Mr Campbell smiled at her

Not minding the fact that she was rude to him, she just said the bitter truth which hurt him a lot

"You're welcome, once grandmother forgive you and also my mother,aunties and uncles then I will call you grandfather" Mandy smiled at him

"Have forgiven you a long time ago,just earn the children's forgiveness" Yolanda blushed helping him up

"Who would have thought that crazy grandmother would be this meek" Love said

"You're right,love really change someone" Joy said

Mr Campbell hug Yolanda,he so much miss his crazy wife

"Awwnn" The children teased them

"Wait…." Dylan suddenly yelled

"What again?" Mandy asked

"Is your mother dead?" Dylan asked Mr Campbell

Yolanda also looked at him waiting for his reply

"No…" Mr Campbell said

"I knew it,bad people don't die early,why don't we prepare a welcoming gift for her?" Mandy said smiling mischievously as crazy idea started popping into her head


"Change that"

"Rotate that upward"

"A shape would be better"

Jocelyn said as she instruct some workers

Earlier she had chosen five diligent workers who started working since the company was dedicated

She knew that a spy was among the workers so she could only choose

"I done the few she could

"Jaxon have told you to go,okay this is my job" She said

"No it's not,it's that blockhead job" Jaxon said angrily

"And am responsible for his shot okay,Louis please see him out" Jocelyn said

"Fine,I will go but I will be the one to drive you home" he said

"Sure,go and greet the kids" she said

"Sure,I miss Mandy" he said

Louis glare at him,this man his a big obstacle in his best friend love life

He had to tell Kingsley to claim his property, the sooner the better

Jaxon kept looking back when going outside

"You better don't hit your head on the wall" Louis said

Jaxon glare at him before finding his way out

"Is not as bad as you see" Jocelyn said to Louis

"Well,I think he likes you" Louis said

"Like me,come off it,he's like a brother to me,his just been overprotective" Jocelyn said brushing it off

"Let's get back to work" she said


"Uncle Jax" Mandy yelled happily

"Baby Mandy"Jaxon called carrying her in his arm

"Which one is baby Mandy?" Mandy asked glaring at him

"Sorry,Mandy" he smiled

"Now,you're getting it" Mandy smiled

"Did you know the man your mother work for Kingsley?" He asked

"Yes"Mandy replied

"He got shot" Jaxon said

"Father got shot!" Dylan said in shock

"Father-to-be got shot" Mandy said

"Yes,and why are you calling him father-to-be?" Jaxon asked frowning

"Because mother loves him and we also love him for her,you have to drive is to that hospital" Mandy said

"Yes,please I want to see my father,his he okay?" Dylan asked

"Yes,but Mandy how can you call him father to be when you don't even know him" Jaxon said

"I know him okay,will you drive us or not" Mandy said

"What's happening here?" Yolanda asked coming out with Campbell

"Father to be got shot" Mandy said

"Kingsley got shot,my son In-law, how did it happen?" Yolanda asked

"He got shot because of Jocelyn, but don't call him son In-law" Jaxon said

"Just drive us to the hospital" Yolanda said

She carried the seven month old baby in her arms

"Let's use my car"Mr Campbell said



"Am confessing my feelings to her today" Kingsley said when Louis explained what happened at the office

"You better do,but isn't it hilarious confessing your feelings for her in a hospital when you can't even use your arm,have never heard of that" Louis asked

"That will make it more unique" Kingsley said

"Prepare everything I asked you too" Kingsley said

"Sure" Louis said

"Let me go and talk it out with Ronnie" he said walking out


"What do you mean?, why will they withdraw their shares?" Jasmine shouted at his secretary

"What did our spy say?" He asked

"He said that Mr Wealth fiancee was the one who won their favour back" the secretary said shaking

"Seems like it's high time I take action against her" He said dialing a number

"Hello,you know what to do" he said

"Don't kill her,just bring her to me she will be useful for my business and she will be able to satisfy my sexual urges" he smirk

"Maybe I should start from you" Jasmine thought


Jocelyn entered the hospital, she came to check on Kingsley

A girl came to her giving her a flower,she look at the girl confused on why she gave her a flower

"It's a gift from him" the girl said going away

"From him" she muttered

She was still going when a girl came to her asking her to snap her and her friends when she took the phone to snap she noticed that they turned their back

"I love you" she read what was written in their cloth

The door to Kingsley ward opened,he stood there in his glory,looking so handsome

"Kingsley" she muttered

"I know you're shock and surprised but I love you,I love you more than words can say,i want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I have been falling in love with you more and more each day, and I can't keep it a secret any longer. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.I have been thinking of how best to let you know my feelings about you, I just realized that there is no such time as perfect, so I want to tell you that I love you so much,be the mother of my son and my unborn child,I promised to be the best father to your kids" he confessed saying what she has been waiting for

Jocelyn blushed hard,tears threatening to fall from her eyes

"Say yes" The crowd urge her

Some where making videos of the scene

"I love you too,am already the mother of your son,and I will always be his mother and for your unborn kids" she said

Just like a slow motion the two walk towards each other,

,they hugged themselves tightly

Kingsley broke the hug tilted his head slamming his lips on her

He missed this so much!

His lips were warm and soft on hers. They parted slightly, allowing her tongue to slid in


"Crazy daughter"
