"You're a big time fool" Brittany snapped at Kingsley for the umpteenth time

"Calm down babe" Kingston said trying to calm her down

She had been cursing him since she came to the mansion

"It might be a set up" Brittany said

"But the video was real" Kingsley said confusedly

"Do you think that a person can't go any limit to achieve a goal" Brittany snapped

"You're right" he muttered looking like a lost dumb lamb

"You didn't even give her time to explain, you better go and bring my sister In-law back" she snapped

"Calm down babe" Kingston said

"Don't tell me to calm down,what he did is so dumb,am so angry right now" she said puffing out air from her mouth

"Think about the baby" Kingston said

"You're only worried about the baby right?" She asked angrily

"No am…" Kingston tried to say

"Just shut up,you're just like him" she said

Kingston just sat down tiredly

"You're not going to beg me" she frowned

"Beg you,but you told me to shut up" he said

"When did I say that,you're just like him" she hissed

"Am going to get her back to explain" Kingsley said

"You're still here" Brittany said throwing her shoe in his direction

"You won't apologize" She said to Kingston

"Am sorry" he said tiredly

"Are you tired of me?" She asked crying out loud

"No,am not okay" Kingston said consoling her


"Pregnant!" Jaxon explained

"Yes,what are you doing here?" Daisy asked rudely

"Am sorry let me explain" he said

"Just get out" she said

"Please let me explain?" He pleaded

"What else did you want to explained" She chuckle

"It was Jason not me" Jaxon said

"Who is Jason?" Daisy asked

"Your twin brother right?" Yolanda said

"Jaxon has a twin brother?" They exclaimed in shock

"Yes,I found out when Jocelyn rescued him" Yolanda said

"When?" Daisy asked surprisingly


Jocelyn kept looking for Jaxon around,they had a little agreement and he went out to clear his head

"She was surprise when she saw someone drowning in the river

She quickly jump inside the water saving the person

" Jaxon"she muttered

She pressed his chest making him to cough out water

"Jaxon are you okay?" She asked worriedly

"Am not Jaxon" he said

"Thanks for saving me" he said

"It seems like you're still angry" she pout

"Am not Jaxon" he said

"You don't have to deny your name,because you're mad at me" she said sadly

"Am not him, am a bad person" he said

"You're not bad,situation makes one do some bad stuffs, but you should repent" she said

"How?" He asked smiling at her

"Turn yourself to the police after a month,you should asked someone to bail you out" she said jokingly

"Okay,I will do just that" He said

"What's your name?" He asked

"Since you're pretending not to know me,let me go with the same vibes,am Jocelyn" she smiled

"OK,I will not do any bad stuff,I promise" he said

"Good" she said smiling at him

"I will get going" he said

"Are you still angry?" She asked

"No" he said

"Why is she mistaking me for someone else" he thought going away

"I must find out!,do I have a brother here" he thought


"She didn't know that the person she met was Jason and not Jaxon" Daisy said

"Yes" Yolanda replied

"Where is this twin brother of yours?" Daisy asked

"Am going to meet him in his house" He said

"We are going together" Daisy said

"OK" he said

"Did you talk to him?,his he still angry?" They heard Jocelyn voice

"Don't stress yourself" Jaxon said

"Why can't I?,is he not that the father of the baby? He will not believe me anyway" she muttered sadly

"I will figure it out" Jaxon said guiltily

"You better do,and that Kingsley deserve to be taught a lesson,he didn't even allow you to explain" Daisy said

"Don't blame him,I don't even know how to explain" she said

"If it was a joyful scene I will have reminded her of what she said when I said I love my husband regardlessly" Yolanda thought

"I don't blame him" Ronnie said

"So if I were the one,you will also make that decision?" Daisy asked

"No,but put yourself in his shoes,how will you feel seeing me naked with another woman?" Ronnie asked back

"You're right,but he shouldn't have sent her away" Daisy reasoned

"I blame him for that but I still don't blame him,I mean he needed space time to clear his head" Ronnie said

"Which side are you on?" Daisy frowned

"Don't get worked up sweetheart" Ronnie said

"Wait…,Mandy and the children are still with him right,you can seize the opportunity" Daisy smiled

"You're right,I will do just that" She smiled happily for the first time after the incident

"Am going, emergency call" Ronnie said

"Me too" Yolanda said going out with Daisy

Few minutes after they left except Jaxon

Jocelyn see Jaxon out,

"Am sorry" he said

"It's okay" she said

"I hope he will believe me" she said tearing up

"He will" he said

"Take care of the baby,our family baby" Jaxon said

"Our baby" he said smiling

He hugged her comforting her

Kingsley who stood close to them freeze on his spot when he heard Jaxon last statement

"She's pregnant for him,am a fool" he said running away while sobbing

"I will get going then" Jaxon said

"Okay,when will you come and pick me up tomorrow?" She asked

"Give me a call whenever you're ready" Jaxon said

"Okay,then" She said


"How could you" Jaxon yelled at Jason

"What did I do?" He asked

"You fucking made a video of Jocelyn naked with you on Kingsley bed" Jaxon replied

Fury was burning in his eyes

"Which Jocelyn are you talking about?" He asked

"The same Jocelyn you know,the one who saved you from drowning,the one whom you promised not to do bad stuff,the one who I once loved" he yelled

"No,it can't be her,I didn't mean to,trust me" He said

"How much did the person offer you?" Jaxon asked annoyed

"I owe her a favour" he replied

"You owe her a favour, which means the person who gave the job to you was a female" Jaxon said

"She fucking mistake me as you" Jason said

"What!! …wait,could it be Lila" he thought

"The girl is tall,light tone skin,she has a mole at the back of her ear" he asked

"Yes" Jason replied

"Lila..." Jaxon ball his hands into a fist

"You know her?" Jason asked

"Yes,and which favour did you owe her?" Jaxon asked

"She helped me escape from the cult members " he said

Jason was Jaxon twin brother, they got to know each other when Jocelyn saved Jason from the river,Jason was a cult member then,he has no parent and join the group to feed himself after he meet Jocelyn he changed his ways

"Did you know the gravity of what you did?,you fucking broke her relationship for a goddamn favour" Jaxon said

"Then let's go and explain to him tomorrow" Jason said

"We will do just that" Jaxon said

"How did you meet Lila?" Jaxon asked

"It was…"


"Jaxon have you give it a second thought?" Lila asked Jason as she mistook Jason for Jaxon

"What are you talking about?" Jason asked confusedly

"Jaxon doesn't have a tattoo" Lila thought

Suddenly an idea click into her head

"Even God is on my side" she thought

She was about saying something when some people started chasing Jason,she had no choice than to let him into her car,as she drive crazily away from the cult members

After they didn't see the cult members again Jaxon thank her

"Thank you,I owe you one" he smiled

"Why don't you pay what you owe me now" Lila said

"With what?" He asked

"I will call you" she said after collecting his contact

"OK,will be expecting your call" he said

Few days she called him asking him to come to the wealth mansion very early in the morning as a plumber

He was let in after being check whether has a weapon or not

That same day was when Kingsley travelled for a business meeting

Last night Lila added a sleeping pills in her food

After Jocelyn slept she injected something into her body which make her unconscious

She undressed her and asked Jason to undressed himself,she made the video herself

She sent it to a blogger who posted it online

"Don't you think you're going too far?" Jason asked

"It's none of your business" she replied

"You don't force someone to love you, the heart chooses who to love" he said

"Your job is done,get out" she said

"I regret what I did,if I had known the type of person you are I won't have accepted your help" he said going out with heavy heart


Kingsley could be seen drinking and crying at the same time

"It hurt him so much

"She was even hugging him,they have a baby together, you're a fool Kingsley" he muttered drinking directly from his wine

"Drink all you want" Lila said as she sat beside him wearing a see through night gown

The children are asleep, he had to lied to them that Jocelyn went to see Yolanda and won't be back anytime soon

"What are you doing here dressed like that?" Kingsley asked

"Nothing, just ignore me" Lila smirk at him

It wasn't up to a minutes before Kingsley started feeling hot

He removed his shirt but it wasn't helping at all

That was when it click,Lila drugged him

His desire to have sex increased rapidly he couldn't even control himself

He grab Lila waist slamming his lips on her,soon they were on his bed,there cloth scattered on the floor,as he fucked her hard

He moaned out Jocelyn named which make Lila angry nevertheless she have achieve her goal

Lila wasted no time moaning out loud,while smiling

"Finally achieved my goals,even God is on my side" she thought


"Hi" Jason greeted Jocelyn

"Don't even greet me" she glare at him

"Am sorry" Jason said

"Keep it until Kingsley learnt the truth" she said

They drove into the mansion, it was early in the morning, it was obvious that most people are still on bed but Jocelyn couldn't wait to see him

"Good morning" Madam Victoria said yawning

"Good morning" she said

She quickly make her way upstairs running up

"Stop running, be careful" Jaxon said

Jocelyn opened the door with a big smile on her face,but immediately she saw the scene

Her head ache,the smile turn into sadness,the way Lila was placing her head on his chest weak her the most

Jaxon and Jason who was running after her gasp at the scene

When he shocked was too much for her,she fainted,Jason was fast to hold her


The way they yelled her name made Lila and Kingsley to waked up from their sleep