"What's the meaning of this?" Lara asked angrily when the cops entered their house

"You're getting arrested today Lara" Natasha's father said

"For what?, if it's a prank you better quit it because I don't have time for all this" Lara said

"Prank,well I have the evidence of you trying to kill my daughter, moreover Vivi gave enough evidence already" He said

"What!!" She exclaimed

"Yes" He said

The cops handcuff her hands taking her away

At the same time the door open revealing Natasha and Vivi

"How could you?,are you even my daughter?" Lara shouted

"Am sorry mother,but I have to do the right thing" Vivi cried out

It hurt to see her mother been handcuff but there was nothing she could do about it

"Am so disappointed in you" Viva said angrily

"I have to she's getting worst" Vivi cried

"It's okay" Natasha said

"Just wait till I come back" Lara screamed

"I know you're the one who bewitched my daughter, evil child" Lara said to Natasha who kept watching everything like a show


"It's a burner phone,I can't track it" Jason said

"What are we going to do now?" Louis said

"Am going to go there alone like they asked me to, I can't risk people's life" Kingsley said impatiently

"Going there alone is not good,do you know the person who want you to come?,do you know whether the person want you dead?,do you know whether it's a trap?" Louis said

"Still I have to be there in the next ten minutes" Kingsley said


Jocelyn was shocked to see Mandy, Dylan and Lila were also tied to a chair

They were unconscious

Her heart skip a beat

"Who is she?" She thought already scared for the children

Soon water was poured on their face which seem to wake them up

"Mummy" Both Mandy and Dylan called her when they saw her

"Babies" She cried out

"You're pregnant!" Dylan exclaimed

"Will you keep your mouth shut,you're disturbing me with your noise" The woman said

"Your voice sound familiar" Lila muttered holding her head with her hands

"Of course it has to" The masked lady said

"Why did you kidnap us?" Jocelyn asked

"You guys are just a pawn in the game but you cross your boundary" The masked lady said

"A pawn!" Lila exclaimed

Jasmine entered and Lila gasp

"What are you doing here?,don't tell me you're working with this lady" Lila asked angrily

"Yes and so?" Jasmine muttered

"And so?,can't you see the way she tied me to a chair, if she really value you then why can't I be spared" Lila yelled

"Silent her" the masked lady said

A man knocked Lila out

"He is here" Jasmine said

"Very good" The masked lady smirk

"Let him in" She ordered

Kingsley was let into the underground

He was shocked to see that Jocelyn was pregnant

"Long time no see Kins" The masked lady called

Kingsley froze on his spot when he heard what the masked lady called him

"KINS" He repeated

"I can see that you still remember who I am" The masked lady said

"What the hell do you think you're doing Lisa" Kingsley muttered

"Lisa!!" They exclaimed

Lisa removed the mask on her face

"Long time no see" She said

"What do you think you're doing?" Kingsley asked angrily

"Nothing, am back to stay and get married to you" she said

"Still dreaming" Kingsley smirk

"How did you know her" Jocelyn asked

"She's asking you question" Lisa mocked

"I can see that you don't want to talk,it all started ten years ago,Kingsley was a Playboy, he was well known for the reputation,my twin sister was just one of those girls who loved him" she said

"So…?" Jocelyn said



"Are you really going to confess to him?" Lisa asked Lily her twin sister

"Yes,I love him so much" Lily smiled

"What if you get rejected?" Lisa asked

"He can't reject me" she said

"OK" Lisa said

"He his coming" Lily said

She stood up carrying the cake she personally baked for him

"Hey" she said to him when she got to his front

"Hi" he replied back

"I love you,I wish to spend the rest of my life with you Kins" she said stupidly and childishly

Cameras were rolling as the students make video of the scene

"Did you check yourself from the mirror before coming to meet me,you don't expect me to date someone like you,a fool like you belongs to a trash,don't you know your level" Kingsley said harshly

It was an insult to him

Lily looked unkept and she coming here to say that made him mad and to him it will damage his reputation

"Oh,poor you he doesn't love unkept people like you,a pig " Diana who was the school bully said

Lisa kept trying to control herself as tears pour out of her sisters eyes like rainfall

Lily ran out of the class in shame,Lisa ran after her

Lily ran to the school roof top standing on the edge

"Come down" Lisa said scared about what she was about to do

"I love you Lisa,but I can't take that shame okay,you should also leave here so you won't be lonely, I can't bear to take that shame" Lily cried

"You will find another person come down" Lisa said

"Trying to commit suicide" Diana asked cruelly

"What are you doing here?" Lisa asked angrily

"None of your business" She said

"Just get out of here" Lisa shouted

"Shouting at me" Diana said slapping Lisa hard

The edge Lily stood on wasn't that strong when she was about to start falling Lisa manage to ran to her side to get a hold of her hand

She held it tight trying to pull her up,Diana smiled wickedly before kicking Lisa hand hard

Her hands left Lilly's own making Lily to fall down

Lisa screamed rushing down the stairs pushing everyone that came her way away

When she got there she met Lilly head open,she was in a pool of blood

She couldn't screamed or do anything

After that day,she tried to hold justice but everything was cover up by Diana's parent who were rich

They were just a poor orphan who was lucky enough to get scholarship in the school

Since that day she swear to revenge for her sister death,sparing no one


Fresh tears were rolling from Lisa's eye as she recall the painful memory

"I later find out that she dated you for a while,and all you wanted was to get into her skirt" Lisa yelled tearfully

Kingsley stood there still trying to process everything

"I found out something more interesting in her diary" Lisa said

"What?" Jocelyn manage to ask as tears roll down her cheek


"What is this?" Lisa thought as she could feel something hard in Lily's pillow

She brought it out and realise that it was Lily's diary

She began to read until she get to the point where Lily wrote that she loved Kingsley and they've been dating for more than five days now

She continue reading till she got to a point where Lily mentioned that she gave her body to Kingsley

She continue reading it till she got to where she mentioned that she was pregnant for him

Lisa eyes widened in shock,she manage to continue reading

★He asked me to get rid of the baby but I can't, maybe if I confess to him publicly he will reconsider★Lily wrote

Lisa gasp out loud after reading

"Then no one shall give birth to your child,I will haunt you down" Lisa vowed painfully


"Kins,that was the name she always call you" Lisa chuckle bitterly

"You know what,it's going to be a memorable day for you since mine was also memorable" Lisa said with deep hatred

"Have you ever thought that Diana's death was quite suspicious" Lisa smirk

"Don't tell me?" Joy gasp

"Yes,I killed her,I was the one who drove the truck" Lisa said

Kingsley looked at her with widened eye

"But her death is nothing, because that boy will still have to die" She said pointing to Dylan who shrink on his spot

He was shock to find out that his mother was cruel

"I won't have had any problem if you guys weren't pregnant for him" Lisa said to Lila and Jocelyn

"I was the one who told you to do everything you did,because I want to see him in pain,a very severe one,he doesn't deserve any happiness and peace in his life" She screamed

"Do it" She ordered one of her men

Before they could blink a green substance was shot into Lila body

"What do you think you're doing you promise not to touch her" Jasmine screamed trying to free himself from the men holding him down

"And you foolishly believe me" Lisa laughed like a maniac

"You are just a pawn in the game" she smirk as she watch Lila struggling to breath

"What the hell do you want?" Jocelyn asked

She needed no one to tell her that she will be the next in turn

"Simple,I want you all dead,then get married to him" Lisa said like a madwoman

"Get married to the one you hate" Mandy muttered

"Yes,get married to him,I will help my sister fulfill her wish" she said

"Oh, I see,continue dreaming" Mandy said

This seems to awake the demon in her

Lisa rushed towards Mandy slapping her hard,Mandy lips burst

She spit out blood as she smirk at Lisa who was boiling in rage

"Is that all you got" Mandy said

"Mandy" Jocelyn said cautioning her

Jocelyn tried to free herself, she can't let anything to happen to the children

"Boss" A man called Lisa

"What is it?" She asked

"An intruder" the man said


Louis was about to go in as they planned when he was suddenly pushed away from the door

"Who are you?" He asked

"It's me" Maya said

Maya was the girl who stole from the supermarket the other day

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked whispering

"That lady in there is dangerous, I saw when her boys bundle people in,you better be careful" Maya said

"Why should I trust you?" Louis asked

"You can decide to trust me or not" Maya said

"OK,thanks" Louis said

Louis entered the dark room holding the gun with him tightly

The cops are outside expecting his signal

Immediately he heard noise coming from a room,he shot at the ceiling

It was a sign to alert the cops

He was suddenly throw into the room where Lisa and the other were

"You are the intruder" Lisa muttered

"You came to save your friend" Lisa smiled

"Lisa" He exclaimed

"Yes,I might decide to spare you since your cock do satisfy me but on a condition that you will go back to where you came from and you didn't see anything here" Lisa smirk

"Never" Louis said

"Then you left me with no choice" Lisa said

The cops ran into the room and fight broke out as the hefty men fight with the cops

Seeing that she was about to lose,Lisa held her gun pointing it at Jocelyn stomach

She heard the gun tightly with rage she pull the trigger three times

The sound of gunshot made them froze

"Mandy!!" Jocelyn screamed as the three bullet enter straight into her chest

Every eye widened

Lisa tried to pull the trigger again since her target wasn't shot

The cops were fast to shot her hand

Dylan and Jocelyn were free,an ambulance was waiting outside already

Lila was taken outside her cloth was soaked with blood,it's obvious that she has lost the baby

Mandy was about to be taken away by the nurse but she stop them

"I don't have much time left" She smiled

"Stop talking, you will be fine" Jocelyn cried out loud

"I protect my siblings mother, I fulfil my promise,you're the best mother any child would ever asked for" Mandy said coughing out blood

"Stop talking" Jocelyn cried

"Forgive him okay,he will be a very good husband and take care of my siblings" She said with difficulty

"You're a priceless jewel,am happy I could protect him,don't blame yourself mother I love you all" she said struggling to touch Jocelyn cheek

Jocelyn quickly place her hand on her cheek

"Take care mother,if there is a next life then I pray to be your biological daughter" She said with difficulty coughing out blood

She breath her last giving up the ghost, her hand drop lifelessly on the floor

"Nooooooo" Jocelyn screamed as she passed out