Going out for a sundae


Finally, the day was over. It was such a relief after facing so many nosy eyes and hearing so many rumors.

All I wanted was to get the hell out of there.

My feet scurried out of the building amongst other students from junior classes that had no idea of what was going on in my world.

I did not plan on waiting for the school bus. Heck! I wouldn't even be living at my old address.

I should have let Jack buy me that car a year ago. I regretted while hurrying through the parking lot.

Lost in senseless thoughts, a loud honk from the left stirred me horribly. I yelped in a startled jerk. And it only got worse when I followed the source, spotting Jack in a pair of gray sweatpants and a gray t-shirt. He was leaning against a black BMW M8 convertible.

I stopped to stare. Surprised and yet, electrified.

Why was my heart doing flipflops as the wind blew Jack's hair all over his face? Why was I feeling the way I was feeling?

I could only think of one answer... it's no longer a crush but blooming affection.

And God knew how much I prayed for it to go away so I can live a normal life. Because if I was being honest, I knew Jack and I would never work. He had an entire life around him, while I, I hardly knew anything concerning the real world. Why would he leave millions of mature women, established women...and choose me?

Why would he want to date someone almost twenty years younger than him? He was old enough to be my dad.

Another honk ripped me back to reality.

My throat was running dry while my feet walked towards Jack. I was thinking about all sorts of ways to start a conversation that wouldn't feel awkward given the recent naughty thing I had sent. Which he never texted a thing about. Not even a freaking emoji. How cold!

I felt the air flowing in me starting to block to my system panicking. And just as I was about to say something to him, his gaze shifted to behind me. That's when I heard the incoming squeaks.

"Annie!" The intruders chorused in sheer excitement while grabbing each of my arms.

Their irritating perfume stirred my stomach, but I held it in and acted as normal as I could.

"Hello Mr Raynatt!" Bell greeted offering her hand.

Like the gentleman he was(not), Jack shook it. Then proceeded to shake the second hand that had popped from my left side...Claire.

"Could you give us a ride?" Bell shot before I could ask what the hell they were up to. Ha! Of course they'd do this. What did I expect? That the alluring Jackson Raynatt would not attract the attention of any lady around him?

Jack eyed me and I gave a little shake, begging him with my gaze to turn them down.

"Sure! Hop in!" Jack blasted grinning.

"Yes! You're so kind Mr Raynatt!" Claire praised as the two females abandoned me.

I saw Claire intentionally brush her chest on Jack's arm in the pretense of lack of space while moving past him. I bit my tongue, forbidding my anger from getting anymore intense. He wasn't mine...yet.

Since he had offered to drive them wherever they were going, I decided to sit quietly and scroll through my phone. Not like I could ask him about the photo.

I had anticipated the drive in this new car, but with chatty Claire and Bell in the back, it felt so depressing. What had I even hoped for? Jack making random stops along the highway? Or him closing up the top and us making out?

You know we want the second option. My dark voice mocked.

As Jack pulled over outside Sundae Cream shop, Claire tapped my shoulder. "Maybe you two can join us for a sundae?"

I turned back, ready to say no. But Jack interrupted. "That sounds lovely. It's on me girls!"

"Gosh! You're too good to be true." Bell remarked as we got off of the precious car, leaving Jack to find a parking space.

As he drove off, the two tigeresses hopped on my arms once more.

Bell squealed squeezing my arm, "You're so lucky. I couldn't breathe with him around. How do you actually live with him?"

"Er..." The same way you live with your dad! I wanted to yell, but reconsidered being that we were entering a public space. "It's no big deal." We just kiss here and there, he spanks me, we make out, he goes down on me and I climax. No biggie.

If only I could brag about all that.

Jack found us at one of the many booths in Sundae Cream. I hadn't ordered it yet.

But the two seemed to know exactly what they wanted.

As expected, Claire had chosen to sit by herself on the opposite seat so that Jack would have to sit right next to her.

The whole thing did upset me, but I had to act normal. I could share him for a few minutes, then have him all to myself when we got back to the house.

"This raspberry is always the best." Bell praised scooping some of it from her cup and offering it to me since I had ordered a strawberry sundae.

I was reluctant on accepting it, but did so in the end. Which turned out to a full exchange around the table. Claire tasted mine, I tasted hers, they tasted Jack's. But Jack only tasted mine before feeding me his with his very own spoon.

The gesture moved something inside me, which had me go quiet as they girls engaged him in a light conversation.

As they talked, with Jack participating less than they wanted, I gazed around...noticing someone sitting by themselves in a booth on the other side of the room. It was unclear whether it was a male or a female from the hood over their face. But they kept staring at our direction, leaving chills all over my spine.

Someone stepped on my foot, stealing my attention. I gazed straight across the table, caught Jack's raised eyebrow. He was obviously wondering why I wasn't even speaking.

I smiled at him, and decided to join in the talk even though I was sure to regret that decision... They were talking about pandas. Pandas!

I'm a nature enthusiast, but who talks about how cute pandas are while enjoying a nice sundae after a hot afternoon? Claire and Bell apparently.

Playing with Jack under the table as our feet constantly stepped on each other was the only positive side of the whole encounter.

We ended up interlocking our legs, and our gazes. Curse all the emotions yelling at me to grab him over the table and kiss him senseless.