Alcazar Kingdom: Palace


"Your highness, I have done everything to make you happy. Can you please release my parents or perhaps take me and lock me instead?" A man knelt at the centre of prince zavian manor cries earnestly for Zavian to hear his cries.

"I have told you to come later, the prince is having his rest. Your incessant plea will not only infuriate him more but will also put your family in more danger." a set of guards clad with all black clothes and a sword worn at their sides warned the crying man.

They pitied the man cause they know how their lord usually treated those that had wronged him and now he had fallen into his bad side.

They guards were tempted to give the man an umbrella when they heard a thunderclap coupled with the blackness that began to cover the sky but they couldn't because of their highness. 

The guards shook their head in disbelief as they man paid no attention to their words and continued pleading. He was on tattered clothes. He looked liked he hadn't had a good bath in weeks. His knees were dugged on the concrete floor as he refused to leave until the prince listened to his cries.

He had been so foolish to trust the the first prince. He had gotten himself in a mess he couldn't get away from and his precious family were locked in the dungeon of prince Zavian.

 He wondered how his family were treated down there.

He was a little happy that Zavian gave him a chance to right his wrongs, unknown to him that wrongs can't be righted when it came to Zavian.

His heart slumped down to the pit of his stomach and his eyes were shimmering with tears when he bowed his head flat on the concrete.

"Your highness!! I am deeply sorry for my actions. I promise to never go back to my wrongdoings. Please let my family go!!" he screamed out his lungs with respect.

His chapped lips parted slightly opened to plead again but when the strong wind hit his bare skin, his words died on his lips as he knees gave off causing him to fall to the floor.

The drizzling rain that was almost not visible became visible when it came down in sheets, pelting the ground with relentless force.

They guards watched the man pitifully. Nobody messes with Zavian and goes Scott free without having something deprived from them. And they knew their prince would never let his family breathe fresh new airs again.

As they man was curled as a ball on the floor allowing the rain to beat him angrily, he heard the sound of a door creaking open.

He looked up with his eyes half-opened and saw the prince looking gracious as ever. The sight of the prince made the man to ignore the rain and kneel erect and wipe away the rain waters that are falling on his face and tears that made his view blurry.

With a regal bearing, he walked slowly with his hands in his pocket and one guard following right behind him as he held an umbrella above his head. His red coated robe graced the small steps that led down to the floor and walked towards were the man knelt.

He reached the man and pulled one of his gloved hands out and held the man by his jaw staring coldy at the man with his green orbs.

The man was literally shivering. Now that the prince was in front and staring at him, he couldn't muster words again.

Zavain pushed the man closer behind his face so his lips could be close to the man's ear.

"Prepare to see your family," were the only words he needed to whisper into the man's ear to keep him heart racing. His voice sent shivers down the man's spine.

He chuckled seeing the man's scared expression and patted the man's black hair as if he were a little puppy he wished to get rid of. The man couldn't bring himself to stare at the prince cold green eyes and he could only nod at his statement.

The maids who were watching the scene from afar knew to set up the prince favourite gold chair as something big was about to happen and the guards were already rushing to the dungeon to get the prisoners.

Zavian walked away from the man making is way towards the gold chair and sat in it like a king with both arms resting on the armrest of the seat.

The guards briskly brought the man's family consisting of his father, mother and sister. Their feet were in shackles and the the guards held them by the collar round their neck, dragging them to stop a little bit far away from the prince.

The man saw his family and couldn't contain the happiness that erupted in his heart. He was happy that at least they were alive and he didn't wait a second to rush to their side, hugging them tightly. 

The sounds of tears that erupted from the family mouth were muffled by the sound of the rain. 

"Mother, father," he paused taking a look at his sister before rubbing her cheeks. He sniffed in his tears before he continued "I am so sorry. I didn't know that prince Aemon was sly," whenever he remembered his actions he felt his heart bursting. He deeply regretted his actions and he couldn't help bit feel embarrassed at himself for trusting Prince Aemon. He truly shouldn't have trusted the first Prince.

His parents were not a bit worried about themselves. They just wanted to see that their son was okay but seeing him now, their heart clenched tightly against their chest. Their son was looking like a homeless man who haven't had anything to eat the past few weeks.

Seeing their son like that made them look at each other with gloomy watery eyes and they both nodded their head thinking that the only way to save their son and daughter was to do as they had discussed with the dungeon.

If only they knew the thoughts that raved through the mind of prince Zavian.