A Secret

The next day had arrived with a heavy atmosphere around the Academy. Everyone had realized how serious the next Ascension Battle was going to be. 

Firstly, the person who was having it was the infamous Alastor Radian, who had always managed to find himself amidst the worst possible rumors despite not showing any significant importance. 

At most, he was just a Baron's son. Whether it was his strength, his status, or his reputation. Until yesterday, they were either trash or mediocre. 

But again, that was until yesterday. 

The commotion he unleashed yesterday with his unique chant and the destructive Chaos Mana, everyone knew that at least, his strength was not mediocre. Rather, it was terrifyingly strong. 

The students started to gossip about it, thinking it was a hot topic they could eat for a while. That was when the news about the second Ascension Battle had officially started roaming around. 

The opponent was someone no one had expected. 

From class 2, Kristin Marjin. 

His identity was not simple, and his strength as well. Winning or losing in this fight was going to affect him and Alastor greatly. Not due to possible injuries, but rather, due to how their status would… 

No one dared to enjoy their drama, they were too worried about themselves. Would this clash of power damage them? There was a chance for that. 

Fear, anxiety, and also anticipation got mixed under the heavy clouds of that day. 

What everyone did not know, however, was that the two opponents were walking through the woods at dawn, looking as carefree as ever. 

"I did not expect that arrangement to happen, I wonder if you have any thoughts regarding this, Al?"

The man with platinum blonde hair spoke softly, his eyes narrowing as he gave a slight smile. His outfit showed off his status, and the badge on his chest confirmed it. 

He was Kristin Marjin, the man that Alastor was supposed to fight in a few moments. In addition, he was an exiled Prince from the Imperial Family who was forced to live in another kingdom until a while back. 

Which happened to be the same time that Alastor's nasty rumors started. 

"Why would I, Your Highness?" Alastor replied, not looking at him. 

He was able to figure everything out about it. The previous Alastor was very precise about what should and what should not be done. He left a magical diary that could only be opened using his own blood in his room. 

Of course, not his main room, but the one that was hidden under several layers of traps. No matter how strong someone was, the way to go through them was brain, not brute strength. 

Now, the current Alastor understood everything about the previous Alastor and could only clap in admiration. 

They were so different, yet so similar. 

"As I thought," sighing, Kristin stopped walking, "I assume you do not intend to lose."

Receiving nothing but a smile, Kristin bit his lower lip and hid his glare. 

'I need to lose,' he figured. 'But then what? Am I supposed to regain my reputation?'

Kristin was aware he could not hurt Alastor, not due to his strength, though. 

'This punk has my deepest secret within his grasp.'

A deal could only work as such… Once there was a conflict of interest, it was bound to be broken. 

"Al," Kristin started and sat down, "Do you hate me for making you the bad guy?"

"Your Highness, even the wind could carry the news. I'd say, it is not safe for the both of us if you run your mouth carelessly like that."

'Not that I care, though.'

Alastor looked down at the prince and then shrugged, seeing him giving no response yet knitting his eyebrows together in a frown. 

"I do not care anymore, Kris. Now, I think our deal shall be invalid, the time has come."

"You, you must be joking, right?"

Alastor shrugged again, turning his back to Kristin and letting some of his mana gather in his palm. The chaotic mana slowly stabilized, creating a smooth, ominous ball. 

"I do not see a point to joke with you, Kris. I've done more than enough of your errands, is this not the time to let me go? Oh, pardon, you actually do not have the right to stop me."

Releasing the ball from his palm, Alastor threw it back at Kristin who immediately jumped away, he could feel the power that lay deep within it. 

True to what he expected, the ball fell in his place and exploded, taking a whole chunk of the ground with it. 

Seeing that, Kristin roared, "Alastor Radian!"

"Shut it, Your Highness."

Alastor laughed while facing him again, his smirk growing by the second, "No need to worry about your esteemed secret. I have no reason to reveal it, yet. As for your rage? I'd say to save it for our battle."

Those were Alastor's last words before engulfing himself in Chaos Mana and leaving the place at once, letting Kristin sit there while gritting his teeth. 

'That asshole!'

What was he supposed to do now? He perhaps could win, but that may give Alastor a reason to expose his secret… 

'Fine, he asked for it.'

Kristin leaned on the floor, staring at the sky that was getting brighter. He did not have much time, and did not have many choices as well. The thing that shocked him about this situation, was the same thing that shocked everyone else. 

"Why did that punk decide to finally move? I'm failing to understand that."

Their deal was temporary, he was aware that whenever Alastor changed his mind, he was going to be fucked. Imperially fucked. 

However, what made Kristin relax was that Alastor had never shown any signs of getting bored or wanting to change it. He assumed everything was alright and under wraps… 

Until he got the news of Alastor's Ascension Battle. But even that did not destroy him mentally yet. What made him almost have a breakdown was when he realized he needed to fight Alastor. 

It felt like all of his work was being dumped into the sea with no remorse.