I'm Sorry (pt.1)

Alastor's ears perked up. In the distance, he felt like he heard a scream. A scream full of pain and agony.

'I hope that is not Vian.'

If that scream was her scream, Alastor was not optimistic at all.

But Vian's situation aside, Alastor himself was not in the best situation. His eyes moved to his surroundings as he sighed.

He was surrounded by rocks.

To be more specific, he was sitting on the grass in the forest. The moonlight caressed his hair, making it shine a bit bluer than usual.

Around him, there was a ring. The ring was made of white smooth rocks, which emitted a soft glow.

Something stopped Alastor from touching those rocks. A gut feeling. It told him that he should not move them from their place.

Instead, Alastor stood up while checking his surroundings. Sitting there and doing nothing was not his style.

Especially when he knew Vian was in a dangerous position.