I Did Not Wish To Remember (pt.1)

Humans have always thought they could change the world as one of the smartest beings in it. The audacity they had was stupid yet endearing for the higher beings.

The mere thought of a human ending despair was stupid and ridiculous.

Alastor was thinking he won the test and overcame despair, but he misunderstood the context.

[The first trial had failed. Please be ready to receive your first punishment: wave of memories.]


Alastor asked the Moon Enchanter in confusion.

He did not expect to hear this now.

After killing Zefe, he thought he would have won this stupid test already. The test was to not lose himself in despair and to get the Moonstone.

He thought that the Moon Enchanter was going to reward him with the Moonstone.

But his expectations were shattered.

[You underestimate regrets.]