An Exciting Day For Baby Chun

Rocky returned to the university for nourishment of young talents and instantly caused a stir.

Since Mama Chun and Baby Chun were not stored in his soul space and were rather roaming in the open, their sudden appearance in the university grounds took many by surprise.

[ Ice Breath ]

Almost as soon as Mama Chun appeared in the university in her massive polar bear form, a few clueless students tried to attack her thinking she was a rogue monster and were turned to ice statues instantly by Mama.

"Easy there Mama, don't kill them" Rocky pleaded as he stored Mama Chun in his soul space, while grabbing the small and cute Baby Chun in his arms.

"What is this place? Where are the trees?" Baby Chun asked, as it looked extremely surprised to see an area which was not a forest.

Having been born in the origin realm 'Vorithra Slyithen', baby Chun had never seen the tower or the real world.