Re-Uniting with Sophia


As Rocky opened the door to the farmers cabin, he half expected there to be an ambush party already waiting for him inside, however, thankfully there was only Sophia sitting within.

"You're precisely on-time. Like always" Sophia complimented, as Rocky, Erin and Buhara walked into the cabin, however, she expected more to follow.

"What? That's it? You only brought those two losers with you? Do you really think you will be able to get through prison security with just those two bozo's?" Sophia questioned, as this wasn't a part of the initial plan that the two had discussed.

Initially, the plan that Sophia and Rocky had agreed upon was that Rocky would bring alongside him an elite unit of fighters capable of escorting him to the lowest levels of the prison and helping him free his sister.

Hence, when Rocky walked into the cabin with only Erin and Buhara, Sophia was shocked to see the change in plans.