A letter from Escanor

[ Dear Rocky,

If you are reading this letter, then it probably means you have reached your sister while she is still alive.

Good job!

I'm really impressed by the efficiency displayed by the Champion Of Gemini.

Don't worry, a job performed well is always deserving of a reward. So I will be generous and bestow a fitting reward for you.

I'm sure that by this point you must be racking your brains on how to return the lucidity of your sister and restore her complexion to normal.

Well, fret not, because if you want to restore the lucidity of your sister and return her complexion from purple to normal, just give her a shot of 25ml of the blue fluid medicine I've placed in the room directly into her veins.

Don't worry…..

I am not trying to scam you–

I'm way too mature to play such petty tricks, afterall, I'm not Shakuni the trickster who is known to play dirty.