" So?. Would you want to try her for a month?" Juan asked for the second time and her question startled Alexander for a minute.
" Try her for a month?" He asked.
He had never wondered living with the same girl for a month, he changes girls like how he changes cloth.
He'd run insane, seeing the same girl every blessed day.
He thickened his brows at her, inching forward a little.
" What do you mean try her for a month?" He asked.
" She'd act like she's your girlfriend for a month and if you fall in love with her then she remains with you, but if you don't, then she returns home" She said so confidently that it made Alex throw out a rich laugh.
" Silly" He smirked.
" Come on. I'm sure you won't resist her. She's a sweet girl" Juan was blabbering.
" I don't try girls more than once. My longest relationship was one week" He said scornfully.
" Why don't you push your limit?. Huh, big boy?. Or you're afraid?" She asked, wearing her mischievous look.
" Trying her for that long would be dangerous. By the way, she's safe with her parent" He said.
" C'mon brother!"
" Don't call me that. I'm not your brother!" Alex snapped quickly
" But you never told me your name so I decided to call you what I'm comfortable with!" She was yelling.
" Don't call me brother or if you care to see my other side!" He thundered and Juan fisted her hand.
He was proving too stubborn but Juan knew her capabilities, and she wasn't afraid of him yet.
" Just wait here" She snapped and Alex knew what that fierce look in her face meant.
She went up to Cindy and her mom who had been discussing.
She immediately chipped in, disrupting their convo.
" Cindy. Mr stranger agrees to visit your home and spend time with your family before he leaves!"
" Really?. Oh my God!" Cindy blinked excitedly.
" Who's that?" Cindy mom, originally known as Anitta, asked.
" Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my new friend" Cindy said and went up to Alex cheerfully.
She took his arm and without informing him anything, she pulled him back to her previous spot.
Anitta Looked at Alex and something about him made her jaw drop.
He was so unearthly handsome despite hiding his identity in a mask.
She had never seen such a creature before and wondered if he was actually real.
" This is your friend?" Anitta pointed at Alex.
" Yes, He is" Cindy gave a big nod, with so much confidence even tho he was her first male friend.
Alex was feeling nostalgic. This is the first time he's seeing Cindy's mom and the urge to be responsible and respectful suddenly kicked into his head.
He wanted to introduce himself, or was it to greet instead?. He didn't know.
He was used to getting the respect and honour from people instead, even people older than him get on their kneels whenever he cross path with them. So it was weird for him now.
" Ma'am" He stretched out his hand for an handshake and Anitta was taken aback.
Alex knew he was making her feel uneasy and he started feeling uncomfortable too, knowing he wasn't doing a perfect job.
He quickly retracted his hand and made a simple bow.
" My pleasure to meet you" He said.
" It's my pleasure to meet you too, dear" Anitta smiled.
Cindy bit her lip, noticing the awkwardness growing between them so she quickly chipped in.
" Oh goodness..We don't have much time. We can do the casual greeting when we get home. So hubby, you said you'll be visiting our home, right?" She asked.
" Huh?" Alex throated.
" He actually did. The taxi is here too" Juan interrupted and Alex looked at her unbelievably.
Did she just-
He bit his lip hard and Juan looked at him before throwing a wink back.
Everyone started moving towards the cab when Alex halted making Cindy stop too.
" I can't come with you" He said.
" But you already promise to come along?. My mom would be very disappointed if you refuse" She said.
He knew well that this was Juan's plan again to get them together. He didn't like it all, considering he had a lot of things to take care of.
He thought that after the one-night dinner with Cindy, then that would be the end and they'd continue their different lives.
Cindy looked at him, knowing that he was seemingly going to reject her soon.
" Can I make another offer?" She asked, innocently.
Throwing out a rough sigh, he looked at her.
" Offer?. Again?" He thrashed.
" I-i...I'm sorry if I'm being too greedy" She said, staring at her fingers as she fiddled cutely.
Alex took in another sigh, more carefully.
" Tell me what you want" He said and she looked at him, her cheeks beaming very pinkish.
" Awwn, thank you. My offer has two offers in it" She said and Alexander jaw fell. She continued nevertheless.
" One is...I want you to visit my home and spend the night with me. Secondly, I want to invite you to the event happening tomorrow at the orphanage. My whole family would be attending and I'd like you to be there" She said.
Alex looked at her not knowing what to say. Who does this girl think she is to order him and tell him what to do?.
He didn't even realise when he agreed to her offer. He must have trashed his brain again or did she have some sort of potion she uses on him.
" I change my mind" He said and Cindy lips parted.
" Okay, fine. Fine!. Forget about visiting the orphanage. You can just come over to my home and-
" Cindy!" He gritted, raising her chin and she looked into his fierce blazing eyes. " I no longer want to visit your home. I no longer agree to the offer. Our deal is over!. I'm not even supposed to be here. Do you know who I am?. I only invited you for a dinner, and I didn't want anything attached. Read my lips, this is where it ends, store that in your memory!" He yelled and left her before walking away from there.
He was very angry, she could hear it in his voice and he tried not to hurt her in the process.
Cindy brows creased as tears glimmered in her eyes slowly.
She could feel her heart racing and skipping and....she could hardly breath. Her heart couldn't digest the sudden emotions.
She had never been heartbroken before considering how sweet, carefree and pampered her life had been .
But this was her first time and it was tough for her to handle.
" No..No" She whispered, tearing up so badly.
Juan quickly came out from the car and met her crying on her spot.
" Cindy" She rushed towards the trembling girl and held her quickly before she'd fall.
" He left" Cindy cried bitterly.
Juan looked around and found out Alex wasn't any where around. How did he leave so fast?
" Shit. How could he?" Juan gritted.
Cindy rubbed off her tears quickly.
" I shouldn't have been too greedy. It's my fault he left. I wanted his company so much that I was making him do so many things just for me. I forgot he also has his life to live. It's my fault," She said while crying.
Juan immediately realised this was Cindy's first time crying after so many month.
She hated the fact that that stranger guy was the one to cause her sweet Cindy to tear up.
If she could meet him again, she'd definitely beat him up to pulp.
" It's not your fault, okay. Stop crying sweetheart"
" It's my fault I'll never see him again." She kept crying and Juan placed her face on her shoulder.
" It's okay. You shouldn't cry. I understand he's your first, but he doesn't want you. You should move on too" Juan told her, but Cindy just couldn't let out enough tears yet.
The news of the bullying scene widely spread out around Montana high.
The clips went viral too. The principal was unfortunate to get involved in the matters that happened in the class.
In less than few minutes, He was seen walking into Class 12 and he met them in the scene.
" What's going on here?" He asked and some of the student rushed back to their seat while the others who couldn't, stood behind.
Riri immediately faced Hailey.
" Oh my God, who invited the principal?!" She gasped, palming her lips.
" Talk to yourself not me!" Hailey spat back in fear.
Ivan pulled Autumn up on her feet. He wasn't expecting to see the principal but he was glad that he was there.
" I can tell you everything" He said before stepping forward with all eyes on him.
" Riri and Hailey are involved in this. They've been taking turns in bullying Autumn for no reason. And just today, they placed candle sticks on her hair and tortured her severely. Everyone kept filming it, No one cared to help her" He said, feeling so much anguish while he explained.
" I cannot deny it. An anonymous student sent me a clip and I must say, it was tragic" The principal said and turned to Riri and Hailey. " You know yourself. Step out!" He ordered.
Riri bowed her head and stepped out along with Hailey who was behind her.
" I don't know what to say to you two. But your act was very cruel. How can you do that to your fellow classmate. You guys deserve a better punishment!"
" I have just the kind of punishment that suit them" Ivan said. " Let them do 360° frog hops around the school, while barefooted till lunchtime, with bags on their head" Ivan said.
Riri gasped and Hailey began to cry on her spot after hearing him.
" Didn't you hear him?. Take off your shoes and pick three bags each on your head!" The principal ordered.
" Three bags?. I haven't eaten this morning!" Hailey cried.
" I have a fractured leg as well" Riri said.
" You didn't remember all that when you were bullying others, huh?!. Get off your shoes nuisance!!"
They had no choice than to immediately obey him and everyone brought out their phones to capture the moment.
💬 This is going to be fun
💬 I can already subconsciously laugh cos it's going to be hilarious!
💬 I love Ivan's payback!
💬 He's so sweet!
Riri and Hailey resumed hopping, already sweating.
" Let me make this fun" Ivan whispered to Autumn before moving towards them.
" While hopping, Repeat saying 'I'm a fool'. ' I totally deserve this' "
" I'm a fool" They kept saying.
" I totally deserve this!" They were saying while hopping out of the class respectively.
[ 5pm]
Autumn kicked her feet slowly as she moved out of the school with Ivan in front of her.
" Thanks for saving me today, Ivan. I'm so grateful and it was so sweet of you" She told him while being incredibly shy.
He stopped to look at her.
" It's actually nothing. But You should be fierce sometimes. I wouldn't be there to protect you all the time, okay?" He said.
She pressed her lip tight and nodded.
" Aren't you going to join your friends. They are heading home now" She said, looking over at their car.
" I'll be going to my aunt place instead"
" Really?. Your friends still don't want your company?" She asked and his next expression made her frown.
He was really sad, he was probably trying to hide it from her.
" I don't think I need them either" He said before looking at her. " I'm sure I'll be fine without them"
Autumn frowned. She could see the pain in his eyes. It was difficult to leave your favourite friends especially knowing that they didn't like you in the first place.
" Please don't be sad. It makes me heartbroken too" She said.
She wanted to ask him if he'd like her to be his friend but she still didn't really know how to tell him.
Taking a deep breath, she looked at him.
" Ivan. Since you don't have a friend, well i-i don't have a friend too. Maybe um...we can be friends right?" She asked.
His late response was like Autumn on a death bridge. She really anticipated to hear what he'd say so her heart kept beating crazily.
" I thought we were already friends?" He asked with a creased brow.
" Really?" She asked with wide eyes.
" Yea, of course. Come here" He said and plonked the little creature in a hug. " Of course you're my friend and I'll cherish you as well" He said, rubbing her hair and Autumn felt so loved.
She didn't care if the world hated her but as far as Ivan would treat her as his friend, nothing else really mattered.
She smiled so brightly and melted into his hard chest.
" I'll cherish you too" She mumbled into his shirt.
When they pulled away, some students were already watching them. It was as if their togetherness was attracting overlookers.
" Maybe we should go home now so that we can avoid this awkward stare from the crowd" He told her.
Autumn bit her lip. she didn't want to go home now she was enjoying Ivan's union.
She wanted to keep staring at his face and feel loved and pampered by him every second.
" Can we stay for a few minutes, like two minutes?" She asked and he shrugged.
A car horn sounded and Autum realised her mom was there to pick her up.
" Shit!" She cursed.
" Your mom is here?" Ivan told her.
" I know. So I'll see you tomorrow!" She said and leaned on her toes , smooching his lip.
" Bye!" She smiled and ran away embarrassingly.
Ivan touched his cheek and felt the part he was kissed. No one has ever done that to him before, but it felt really nice.
He stood there for a while and just kept thinking about her.
Cindy sat on her bed that night and took up her phone.
Even tho her mom had tried to comfort her, she still didn't want to give up on Alex. No one would make her give up on her hubby! Just no one!.
Somehow, she knew he'd be back for her.
Taking her phone, she texted him, dropping a hi.
When he didn't respond, she went straight to the point.
Her apologies came afterwards.
* It's cindy. I'm really sorry, Hubby. I didn't mean to heap you with what I wanted. I was wrong for not giving you the space you needed, I was really selfish, I know. I'm not here for a second chance. I just felt guilty for making you upset and you left abruptly.
Please I'm sorry. I'm sorry, and I'm f**king sorry, Hubby. I hope you see this message and even tho you don't respond back, know I'm really really sorry. Good-night*
She sent the text before laying back on her bed with her lids bashing wetly.
She wasn't sure if she'd have an appropriate sleep that night cos of her anxiety.
After rolling in bed for a few minutes and checking her phone from time to time, she finally sat up.
She restlessly walked to the window and took out the windows. The evening breeze bashed on her face and she forced a smile.
She hadn't been able to smile as frequently as she used to.
When she lowered her gaze, Her heart almost jumped when she saw a black limousine parked outside the house.
She hid behind the wall and her heart crazily drummed on her chest. Was he actually here the whole time? Or was her eyes playing tricks on her?.
She tried to rush towards the door when a figure jumped down to the floor and his scent filled her nose.
She knew who it was and her heart race elevated just by knowing Alex was right in her Own house!.
She was expecting her house to tremble just by a mighty person like him stepping feet there.
Turning around, she blinked her eyes at him wetly.
" Hubby?" She blinked.
He's dressed on his causal nightie and his hair was brushed backwards, while holding a sort of fluffy teddy with him.
" You wanted me to spend the night here. I hope I fulfilled your request?" He asked and Cindy blinked, the tears falling from her eyes quickly.