

When Franz Leopold opened his eyes in the evening, he immediately sensed that something was amiss. He could feel the excitement of the other vampires who had already risen from their coffins. Even before he could pry open the lid, it was already being lifted, but it wasn't Matthias who was offering assistance to his master. Ivy looked down at him with a serious expression.

"What's wrong?" he pressed, sliding out of the coffin. For the first time, he was glad that he didn't have to go through the ordeal of dressing in his silk shirt, vest, trousers, tailcoat, and his patent leather shoes from Mainz. He wondered why the simple garment of the Lycana, which he had been wearing for days, was neither particularly wrinkled nor dirty, and still felt pleasant against his skin, even though it had been soaked in the swamp last night.

"What's going on?" Alisa called out, now hurrying over with Luciano. She looked around attentively.

"Seymour has detected traces that shouldn't be here!" The tone of the Irishwoman was solemn.

"Are they our pursuers?" Franz Leopold inquired.

"We can't say for certain yet. Seymour sensed two unfamiliar wolves - but only in a few spots. There's no continuous trail from the cave entrance," Ivy explained.

"And what if they were just ordinary wolves?" Luciano suggested. "There's water everywhere. Isn't it normal for the scent to occasionally dissipate?"

Ivy shook her head. "No, there's magic at play. However, I'm not sure if we're dealing with vampires in animal form."

"What else could it be?" Luciano asked.

"Werewolves," Franz Leopold and Alisa said in unison.

Ivy nodded somewhat unhappily. "I believe that's what Donnchadh and Catriona fear."

"Why?" Franz Leopold looked at her questioningly. "I thought the war between Lycana and werewolves was a thing of the past."

"That's true. But peace is fragile and requires delicate negotiations. Moreover, you shouldn't imagine werewolves as a clan pursuing common goals. The most powerful family is that of Áthair Faolchu, living beneath the rocks of the Twelve Bens above the Connemara moors. But there are still numerous independent werewolves scattered around, roaming alone or in small groups. They're unpredictable."

"As unpredictable as the Lycana who don't reside in Dunluce?" Franz Leopold raised an eyebrow.

"You're mistaken if you think individual Lycana would turn against the clan just because they've chosen a different domicile. They may not always be very sociable, but they wouldn't do anything to seriously harm another Lycana," Ivy contradicted.

Franz Leopold's eyebrow raised a bit further, but he remained silent.

"Look, things are starting to move," Luciano said, redirecting their attention to some vampires returning to the cave with serious faces. It wasn't just Lycana; they also saw some servants from other families like Hindrik and Francesco among them. Obviously, they had been sent out to search for further traces and were now gathering to exchange their findings. The four of them wanted to hear firsthand what they had discovered. As quickly as they could without drawing attention, they approached within earshot.

"We can't stay here until we know what we're dealing with," Donnchadh said.

"Should we leave Aillwee?" Ainmire exclaimed. "We're much more vulnerable in the open land! Where can we find a safe shelter every day with such a large group? The ships have returned to Dunluce. It will take days before we can call for Murrough."

"Donnchadh didn't say we should leave Aillwee," Catriona calmly responded. "But this cave is too easily accessible to provide us shelter during the day. We don't know if our unknown visitors are as inactive as we are once the sun rises. So, we need to ensure that they can't reach our coffins during the day."

Donnchadh nodded. "That's exactly what I was suggesting!" He looked around. The vampires nodded. "We'll split up. Bridget and Niamh will show the heirs where they can set up their coffins. A few of their companions will assist them. Go to the rear small column hall. In the meantime, the rest of us will prepare everything to seal the cave in the morning - and we'll give these uninvited guests a surprise!" He glanced at Catriona for a few moments, who met his gaze. "So, let's get to work!"

The path through the narrow passages, guided by the two Lycana siblings, was arduous, as they kept getting caught on a boulder or edge with their unwieldy burden. While Ivy and Alisa carried their crates themselves - Hindrik helped Tammo, who was too small to handle the coffin alone - Luciano and Franz Leopold had their burdens carried by their shadows.

"Francesco can take your coffins once he's set mine down," he offered to the girls, earning smiles and grateful words from both. Franz Leopold was annoyed that the thought hadn't occurred to him.

"Why didn't you take Ivy's coffin as well?" he snapped at Matthias, who raised his eyebrows in surprise, a rather unusual reaction for the stoic coachman.

"Did you command me to help the Lycana?" His disapproval was unmistakable.

"No, but you could use some initiative," Franz Leopold knew he was being unfair to his shadow, but it felt good to vent his frustration on someone instead of keeping it bottled up and admitting to himself that he had been negligent.

However, both vampire women declined the offer and carried their coffins themselves to the cave divided by several stalactite columns, which could only be entered through a low, arch-like entrance. The impure siblings inspected them in human form and as bats, but they couldn't find even the smallest crack through which even a woodlouse could crawl in or out. Satisfied, they nodded and instructed the young vampires where to place their coffins. Then, the servants set out once again to also bring their own and the Lycana's coffins into the stalactite cave. It was a bit cramped, but everyone would find a resting place.

"As long as the work continues, we can continue our lessons in the main hall," Ainmire said, inviting them to follow him.

"Do we not go outside at all tonight?" Alisa asked, longing in her voice.

Ainmire shook his head. "No, it's too dangerous. Until we know what we're dealing with, we practice in here. And tonight, you won't stray from the group either!"

Franz Leopold snorted discontentedly, and Malcolm also uttered an annoyed sound.

"And when do we get our blood ration?" Luciano asked.

Ainmire shook his head regretfully. "There's no time for that tonight."

"What?" Luciano exclaimed.

"We won't go hunting, nor can we bring blood into the cave for you. Tonight, we must tame our bloodlust," he said as if it were the easiest task. Horror spread across Luciano's face, and his cousin grumbled too. Even here in the depths of the mountain, his cat Ottavio couldn't bring him prey. Yes, even he probably had to go hungry in these nights. Anna Christina, of course, cursed loudly and complained about the primitive conditions she was exposed to. Marie Luise and Karl Philipp supported her until Ainmire demanded silence.

"Pull yourselves together! Dedicate yourselves to your task as if your further existence depended on it. How quickly can this exercise turn serious? You should always be aware of that. This could be the crucial difference that saves you from destruction."

Silence fell, and the young vampires set about following his instructions resolutely. Alisa and Franz Leopold soon managed to each guide a bat on their own, and eventually, some others also moved confidently through the dark cave. When Donnchadh and Catriona returned from their exploration later, they were surprised and pleased with the progress.

"Then those who are already so far can start with the transformation," he said. Catriona nodded. She walked among the students, watched them during their exercises, and then decided who should come with her. Much to Tammo's disappointment, she chose Joanne and Fernand, but he had to stay with Ainmire.

"You're tormenting the animals," Ainmire scolded as the next bat swiftly flew away as soon as Tammo's concentration wavered for a moment. "You're not supposed to crush them with your mind. You're supposed to use their senses!" Tammo sighed and looked longingly over at the others, who were now sitting around the peat fire in the middle of the cave, which Catriona had lit again.

"Concentrate! Do you want to be the only one left behind later when we transform into a flock of bats or a pack of wolves to explore the nightly expanses?"

Sighing, Tammo strained to summon a new bat. Meanwhile, around the fire, Alisa and Ivy, Franz Leopold, Fernand, Joanne, Rowena, and shortly after, Malcolm and Ireen gathered. Catriona's gaze swept over the eager faces.

"We should summon Anna Christina to join us. Franz Leopold, would you please fetch her?"

He looked at the Lycana in astonishment. "Anna Christina? She couldn't even summon a sheep, let alone a bat!"

A faint smile crossed the beautiful servant's face. "Her disgust and defiance forbid her from obeying us, but she's not dumb and has probably realized that these abilities could be useful to her. So, she's listened well and trained her powers when nobody noticed."

"Except Catriona," Franz Leopold muttered. "I fear I've underestimated her."

"Catriona or Anna Christina?" Alisa asked.

"Probably both."

"It seemed strange to me to find her in this remote grotto," Alisa said thoughtfully. "Even then, we should have realized that she excels in deception and understatement."

Franz Leopold nodded and then went to fetch his cousin. With a stony expression, she joined the others. Alisa glanced over at the rest of the group around Ainmire and caught Luciano's longing gaze. She wished she could help him, but what could she do? She wondered if it was really so difficult for the Nosferas to connect their minds with those of animals, or if he simply shied away from the effort. Because it was exhausting! Alisa already felt drained after the bat exercise, which of course was also because she hadn't consumed any blood tonight.

"Are we going to transform into bats?" Alisa heard Fernand ask excitedly.

Catriona shook her head. "No, that would be too difficult for starters. We need to find an animal that is more similar to us in our abilities."

"Then not one that can fly," Joanne said disappointedly. She looked at the rat perched on Fernand's shoulder. "We could try with rats."

"Or with a cat," Rowena said. "It's a predator and more similar to us. It should be easier."

"That's correct," praised Catriona. "And yet, you're not thinking of the animal that is closest to us in essence, size, and instinct. Perhaps because the task seems too daunting to you?"

Absentmindedly, Alisa stroked Seymour's fur. Her hand paused, and she stared down at him. "A wolf!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with excitement. "We will take the form of wolves!"

Catriona nodded as if it were the easiest task in the world. "Yes, we will."

Enthusiasm glowed in everyone's eyes, and even Franz Leopold couldn't hide his joyful excitement. Only Ivy showed no reaction.

"All of you can and will succeed, for I sense that your powers are strong enough," Catriona continued. "You just need to learn to use them correctly. But before we begin, I want to issue a warning that you should take to heart. At no moment is a vampire as vulnerable as during their transformation. Never attempt to transform in a moment of utmost danger if you're unsure if you have enough time to complete the transformation. Remember that you must gather your mind and focus entirely on the new form. If you're half-listening for the steps of a pursuer, it will fail. And even here, in the safety of this cave, you must not take this exercise lightly. If you disturb another vampire during their transformation, you could seriously harm them."

Her words tempered the enthusiasm a little. "What could happen?" Alisa asked.

"In the worst case, the transformation is only halfway completed," Catriona said. "And since we are at our weakest at this point, it can - especially to a young and inexperienced vampire - happen that we remain in this state, partly vampire, partly animal, no longer able to help ourselves."

"But couldn't it also happen that our powers are not sufficient, and therefore, even without external influence, we risk vegetating forever as hybrid beings?" Alisa asked.

Are you afraid? Then you should refrain and go back to the beginners!

Alisa glared at Franz Leopold. "No, I'm not afraid, but I want to know what I'm getting into beforehand. Because ignorance harbors the greatest dangers."

Catriona ended the dispute with a single look. "The answer is yes and no. If you attempted it on your own, it could indeed happen, but not under our supervision. As soon as your powers diminish, we intervene and assist you. So, now pay attention to me as I describe the process. Unfortunately, this is only the smallest part. Afterwards, you must intuitively feel how to merge into another being until you become it."

Everyone listened attentively because even though Catriona had assured them she would intervene in case of an accident, none of them wanted it to come to that.

"So, now it's your turn."

Franz Leopold sensed that Alisa was even more confused after Catriona's explanation than before and didn't hold much hope of succeeding. Well, she was just a Vamalia. He, on the other hand...

How difficult it was for him to believe confidently in his success. Franz Leopold looked at Ivy, who met his gaze. Of course, once again, he couldn't read her thoughts, but she spoke encouragingly to him.

Of course, you will succeed. You have the strength and the intelligence. Now you just need the confidence. Believe in yourself and your mind. Catriona demands nothing impossible. It has only been forgotten over generations. Have faith!

Trust? In his own abilities? Franz Leopold straightened his shoulders. Yes, he could do it. He was an heir of the Dracas, standing far above the other families. So why shouldn't he be able to learn everything that distinguished the Lycana? He looked over at Catriona, who was just starting the first attempt with Malcolm. But trust in someone else? In a Lycana? An impure one?

Franz Leopold felt a brief, stabbing pain. He turned around. Ivy was still looking at him. And suddenly he realized that he trusted her. A radiant smile crossed her face, then she hastily turned to Alisa.

Why did he trust her? Because she was so ethereally beautiful? So perfect that her sight almost hurt? Because her essence touched his soul? Vampires don't have a soul, he thought, and the usual sarcastic smile played on his lips as he watched Malcolm's futile efforts. After a while, he was visibly exhausted, and Catriona turned to Rowena. The girl closed her eyes and mimicked the hand movement Catriona had shown them. And indeed, thin wisps of mist enveloped her, and her face began to be covered with gray fur, but then her concentration waned, and she opened her eyes wide. That was probably the moment when Catriona intervened and helped her regain her normal appearance. She praised Rowena and then came to Alisa, Ivy, and Franz Leopold. Her gaze fell on the girl with silver locks.


To Franz Leopold's surprise, she put on a defiant expression.

"Well, then help your friends. It might be good if you go together in pairs and support the one attempting the transformation with your power."

Franz Leopold was already standing by Ivy's side, challenging Alisa with his gaze, but since she was currently being addressed by Malcolm, he didn't have to face any resistance.

"You can start," Catriona urged and then turned away to help Malcolm and Alisa.

"Show me!" Franz Leopold demanded of Ivy. "I want to see you transform into a wolf." She would surely resemble Seymour, with white fur shimmering silver like her hair. Would her eyes remain turquoise? But Ivy shook her head.

"I'm not supposed to learn it. You have to practice, and I will help you."

"Ah, you can't do it at all!" His attempt to provoke her fell flat. She didn't respond to it.

"Start! Concentrate! I at least want to see what you look like with a furry face." She smiled at him. In that moment, he forgot everything. Where they were, what they were doing here. Strange things were happening inside him, and dizziness seized him, which had nothing to do with the swirling mists of transformation. He only saw Ivy, her face, her wonderful hair, and that smile that seemed to painfully bore into him like a dagger. He hadn't known how wonderful pain could be! Franz Leopold just stood there, completely motionless, staring at her.

Ivy's smile turned first to surprise, then to embarrassment. How could he assume that none of his inner emotions escaped her! The thought should have been uncomfortable for him, and he should have pushed her away with a haughty gesture, but he didn't. He didn't even have the desire to do so. So it was up to Ivy to break the bond. It hurt. And this time there was no sweetness in the pain.

"Try it, Leo," she said softly. "I'll help you if your powers aren't enough."

What was she talking about? Franz Leopold shook himself, as if to free himself from a trance. "Oh yes, the transformation." He looked around. Alisa seemed to be making progress, and a little further ahead, a small gray wolf was crouching. Was that Rowena? Catriona was currently helping Anna Christina, who, as usual, looked dismissive and didn't seem to bother trying. Perhaps it was the sight of his cousin and her arrogance that aroused ambition in him. Whatever one might think of the Lycana, transforming into a wolf, a bat, or even mist was magnificent and would give him advantages even over the other Dracas.

Franz Leopold gathered his thoughts, focused on the image of a large, magnificent wolf, and mimicked the hand movement Catriona had shown them. Why did his own image keep intruding on his mental eye? And Ivy's image? He had to think about the wolf! A thin thread of mist gathered and began to circle him, but nothing more happened. Franz Leopold felt his powers waning. But he wanted to transform. Now! Into the most beautiful and strongest wolf Ivy had ever seen. He saw her smile again and suddenly a shiver ran through his body. The mist around him condensed, whirled faster. Something tugged at his face and pulled it elongated, his body twisted and twitched. He fell on all fours and watched in amazement as his arms and legs transformed. Fur broke through the fabric of his clothes, hands and feet turned into powerful paws. He wanted to say something, but only a bright howl sounded.

Seymour stepped forward and regarded him with his yellow eyes. It wasn't a friendly look. Rather, it was assessing, suspicious. And then he heard his voice. They weren't spoken words, just the sounds of a wolf, yet Franz Leopold could understand their meaning.

"It was her powers. You're not ready yet. So don't pride yourself on it, but learn until you can do it on your own!"

Ivy said a few words to him in Gaelic, which Franz Leopold didn't understand, but her voice sounded sharp. Seymour abruptly turned away and trotted over to Alisa. There he sat on his hind legs, facing away from Ivy and Franz Leopold. Ivy ignored him. Instead, he saw her raise her hand. Just a moment later, she disappeared into a wall of mist, which dissipated just as quickly.

Her eyes were still turquoise! And her fur silver-white like freshly fallen snow in the moonlight. She was smaller than Franz Leopold and more delicate. She trotted over to him and touched his snout with hers.

"You did very well. Now transform back, and then we'll try again."

Before he could gather his thoughts, she was already by his side in her human form. Together they managed his transformation back. Franz Leopold breathed quietly while Ivy showed no signs of exertion.

"Franz Leopold, that was very good," praised Catriona, who apparently missed nothing. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Ivy.

"How nice of you to finally muster the courage to support us!"

"I never said I wouldn't help you!" she defended herself. "It's just..."

She broke off as Catriona raised her hand.

"I know. Practice again with Franz Leopold, and then see who else needs your help."

Ivy simply nodded. Then they started again.

"And? How was it?" Luciano pressed as the exercises ended and they all settled together by the fire. "I saw you transform. That was amazing. Ivy's wolf was clearly the most beautiful! Even though she was smaller than Seymour." Ivy gave him an absent smile.

"Tell me, how did it feel? Was it difficult? Did it hurt?"

Luciano didn't let up. Ivy and Franz Leopold just looked at each other silently and then lowered their gaze again. Had they even heard his question?

"You practiced with Malcolm. How did he do?" Luciano asked Alisa since the other two were apparently not willing to entertain his questions.

"He tried hard," she said hesitantly.

"He tried hard," Franz Leopold mocked her. "What she means to say is, he's a failure, just a Vyrad who can only dream of the powers others possess. That's what you wanted to say, right?"

"No, I didn't!" She thought of the wonderful feeling she had experienced when her thoughts and powers connected. And of how surprised she had been to find a greater strength within herself than in Malcolm, who was three years older. But that was probably only because it was a task that was so foreign to the Vyrad. But also to the Vamalia! Alisa was confused. Her gaze met the Dracas'. His smile promised nothing good.

"Ah, you feel superior to him. You think you're better. Wasn't that what you always accused the Dracas of?"

"It's completely different!" Alisa protested.

"Is it?"

"Yes! I don't think about which family is stronger or better. I was just amazed."

"Then the strong Alisa can now transform into a wolf without any external help," the Dracas continued needling.

Alisa shook her head. "No, but you can't do it without Ivy either. So don't act so high and mighty! Ivy could probably give Luciano the form of a wolf too!"

They glared at each other until Ivy sighed. "Stop it, you two. If it's so important to you to find out how great each other's abilities are, then connect your minds and transform into wolves! You both have enough mental strength, even if you lack experience."

Luciano clapped his hands. "Yes, let me see if you can do it!"

Alisa looked at Franz Leopold. "Okay, let's try," she said hesitantly, reaching out her thoughts to him. He roughly grabbed hold of them and clasped them with his mind, causing Alisa to cry out softly.

"Start!" he urged impatiently. "What's wrong?"

"I can't concentrate like this," she snapped at him.

"Fine, then I'll start the change. Stay here and don't wander around with your thoughts like that. How else am I supposed to use your mental powers?"

Alisa took a deep breath but said nothing, instead closing her eyes.

Franz Leopold glanced over at Ivy and Luciano, who had their full attention on him and Alisa. Even Seymour seemed to be scrutinizing him with interest. Franz Leopold straightened up a bit, trying to maintain a superior demeanor. He would succeed - if the Vamalia wasn't too weak! He grasped the flow of energy she provided and connected it with his own. Then he summoned the mist. This time it came in thick billows, swirling around him, obscuring Ivy and Luciano from view. He felt his limbs begin to twist. A feeling of triumph and power spread within him. He was brilliant! The little bit he needed from Alisa's powers could be disregarded. He was a Dracas, and he could now transform into a wolf! He paid no attention to Alisa's groans of exertion and her faltering steps.

The proud expression still dominated his features as he reverted to his normal form. Alisa pressed her hands against her chest, breathing heavily.

"Now it's your turn, or do you feel too weak?" he taunted.

"I can do this!" gasped Alisa. "Now open your mind to me."

Franz Leopold obeyed, although he also felt drained. He felt her pulling at him, but surprisingly, she didn't draw as much of his energy as he had expected, which meant she was drawing most of it from within herself. Franz Leopold looked at her curiously. Not only her face expressed concentration, her whole body trembled. She was determined to succeed and accept as little external help as possible. Despite himself, Franz Leopold had to respect her. He hadn't expected that.

Alisa's wolf was medium-sized, its fur a dark gray, its eyes blue. She bounded over to Seymour with her tongue lolling out, and he rubbed his head against hers before they raced around the cave together. Then she returned and resumed her human form.

"You both did well," Ivy said.

"Yes, far too well," Luciano added wistfully.

Ivy put a comforting arm around his shoulder. "You'll learn quickly too. Have confidence in your mind and your abilities."

"I'm curious about what the Lycana have found out and what precautions they're taking for the day," Alisa interjected, and the others agreed to inspect the work on the new cave and have a few conversations.

"After all, we have a right to know what they're planning," Luciano defended their curiosity. "I don't want to wake up tonight and find out that someone has broken into the cave and erased our existence forever."

Alisa chuckled. "Except you wouldn't find out tonight if you lost your head during the day."

"I don't find that idea particularly funny," Ivy said seriously.

"So you mean something could really happen to us?" Franz Leopold wondered.

Ivy nodded. "Yes, my intuition tells me that we shouldn't take this threat lightly. It's good that Donnchadh and Catriona are taking care of it. Seymour will watch over our rest and defend us if necessary - and so will Niamh and Bridget. They've learned to overcome the deathlike sleep during the day, although they're much weaker and slower during that time than at night."

Luciano nodded approvingly. Alisa patted Seymour's neck fur.

"So we can rest assured in our coffins, right? No one can get past you three!" Although there was a hint of mockery in her voice, they all knew that the wolf and the two servants were formidable opponents - if they didn't have to deal with too many intruders.