Who would have thought revenge would cost this much!?

After another round of passion, Fil took it upon herself to clean up the place. She didn't want to raise suspicion or leave her valuables behind. After that quick chore, she and Jackson headed out of the unit to the parking space. 

"What are you doing?" as soon as she got in the driver's seat of her truck, she caught Jackson still standing in front of the truck. She wound down the window, stuck her head out, and asked, "Won't you get in?"

Jackson assessed the truck briefly and then marched to the driver's seat. Without a word, he opened the door, making her jolt a little. 

"I'll drive," he said, making her frown. 

"It's okay. I can…" she trailed off, seeing that look on his face. "Are you afraid I'd drive just as slow as last night? Don't worry. That was because I was drunk and I'm scared I'd caused an accident."

Jackson didn't respond and simply looked at her. After a minute of being under his gaze, Fil pressed her lips and looked down. 

"Fine," she conceded. "You drive. Though I have to warn you, the steering wheel is a little stiff at times."

With that being said, Fil excused herself, and Jackson stepped to the side. She hurriedly walked around the car, hitching in the front passenger seat. When she was in, she turned her head to the driver's seat where Jackson was. 

Her lips parted, but kept her thoughts to herself. Instead, she quietly put on her seatbelt and stayed silent for the next ten minutes. 

"I'm not scared of you driving like a snail." After ten minutes of pure silence, Jackson broke the ice. "It favors me in a way. Last night and this morning, I'm entertained enough to stick around longer."

Fil slowly lifted her gaze to him, blinking. "You're not angry?"

"Haha. Why would I?" he chuckled, casting her a playful glance. "Sweetheart, believe me when I say it takes a lot of things to make me angry. And you would know if I am."

"Then why did you suddenly turn silent? And your mood is a little alarming."

"I'm doing my best not to be the jerk that I am, but why do you care?" he returned with an air of nonchalance, eyes on the road. "Even if you say something upsetting accidentally or purposely, why would you care? We're strangers. Even if we had a ton load of orgasms, it doesn't change the fact that what we shared is out of purely selfish reasons. I spent the night and morning with you because of lust, and you, to forget the emotional rollercoasters."

Fil looked down timidly, not arguing with him. His words were harsh, but they were the truth. The two of them were nothing but strangers, spent the night together for their own selfish reasons. Other than that, there was nothing else. 

"That attitude of yours can be cute, but at the same time, it's annoying," Jackson added. "If you want revenge, you got to change, honey."


"Be the biggest and baddest bitch?" He shrugged. "Don't let others affect you. Master the art of nonchalance. Give the same energy other people give you — no more no less."

"Are you saying I shouldn't just care about you?" she murmured. "But you… helped me. Although the help isn't as ideal as it seems, it still helps. I would've lost my mind if you were not there."

"So does that mean you're giving me a pass to be a jerk to you just because I helped you once, or maybe a few times?"

"No… that's not what I'm saying."

"But that's what it sounds to me." 

A moment of silence followed suit. Fil kept her eyes on the driver's seat, getting a grasp of the 'lesson' he was giving her before they parted ways. 

"Then just get angry," she huffed and looked away. "I'm just concerned, but you're saying a lot of mean things when there are a lot of ways to say it nicely… you jerk."

Jackson chuckled, casting her a quick look. "How cute. Do that with more power, honey," he commented. "If you say it like that, I might pull over just to pinch you."

Fil slowly looked back at him, only to see him shaking his head. 

"Do you find this interesting?" she mumbled. "And funny?"

"Interesting, yes. Funny? More like annoying. Also, I've been thinking about your wardrobe." He pointed at her without taking his eyes off the road. "It's been in my mind since leaving the unit."


"That type of style… are you planning to be a nun?" 

"A nun?" Fil gazed down at her dress, biting her tongue. "Is it bad?"

"You and that innocent face of yours suit it. I'd prefer you add another layer and cover as much skin as you can." His lips curled up into a smirk, casting her a quick, knowing look. "Especially after seeing underneath it. I'm a little overprotective of it."

Her cheeks instantly turned red but forced herself not to be bothered. "It's my body, and I decide on what to wear!"

"Sure, sure. All I'm saying is a personal preference. No one's forcing you," he quipped. "As I was saying, one of the best revenge is changing yourself. Not just the means to protect yourself mentally and emotionally, but also your appearance. You dressed like an old auntie."

"Ahh…" Fil gazed down at her, aware her sense of fashion was bad. However, her thoughts halted as her face twitched upon hearing Jackson's next words. 

"You have an impressive figure; nice boobs and very healthy buttocks. I'm not saying wear as little fabric as you can, but there were other styles you can go with that will make you look sophisticated instead of an angel wannabe," he remarked nonchalantly, slowly pulling over just as they entered the downtown. He faced her squarely, unbuckling his seat.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously, looking around the place they stopped.

"I'm getting off here," he said, smiling. "Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Remember to ask for a vacation leave for tomorrow," he added, now grinning. "See you."

With that being said, Jackson stepped out of the vehicle and jogged to the side of the road. As he did so, he faced the vehicle and took out his phone. When he placed the phone in front of his ear, Fil furrowed her brows as her phone started ringing.

The caller's name on the screen was Darling.

"Did he snoop around my things?" she murmured, answering the call and then gazing at where Jackson stood. 

"I forgot to tell you, I arranged an appointment with my friend," he said. "He's a professional stylist. He'll help with your wardrobe problem. So, make sure you're up ten minutes before seven in the morning."

Fil's face twitched, still watching him stand on the side of the road a little further from where she parked. 

"Is he insane?" she muttered to herself, hanging up on him as he walked away from his vantage point. "It's not like I needed some professional stylist to help me. I can learn on my own."

As Fil thought about it, she furrowed her brows. She quickly turned to her phone, searching for how much it would cost to be styled by a professional stylist. The lowest rates made her heart and jaw drop.

"Who's going to pay for this!? Is he planning to rip me off?!"

Who would have thought revenge would cost this much!?