You’re not mine yet.

"So?" In the middle of their journey, Fil couldn't help but break the silence between them. "How did you get to my place?"

"Your place's security is lax. Anyone can get into the building without a problem."

Fil looked back at Jackson, only to see him already staring at her. 

"Ten minutes before seven, I called for a locksmith," he added. "You weren't answering your phone, so I was worried."

"Worried my ass."

"Hehe. I really was."

"Why would you?"

"Aside from the fact that I hold punctuality with such high regard, there's a woman I know who found out her boyfriend is cheating. And her fiance is cheating on her with her best friend. Adding to that, all his friends — maybe even his family knew about the affair," he explained in a matter-of-fact. "Should I continue?"

"You thought I'd kill myself?"

"Why not?"

"I'm not suicidal, okay? My fiance cheated with my best friend. But that doesn't mean I'm going to kill myself."

"The look in your eyes told me otherwise."

Fil shook her head in disbelief. "It hurts, and I still cry whenever I think about it. But no, I'm not killing myself. Why would I? My death will only give them the freedom to be together without owning up to what they had done to me."

"If you say so."

"You don't believe me?"

"I do." Jackson nodded. "If that's the case, then that's a relief. But even so, I would've done the same. Although time is all that I own, I still don't like it when people waste even a second of my time."

"Sorry," she conceded, knowing she was at fault for that part. 

"We're even. The apology is not needed anymore."

Fil cast Jackson a look, watching him, still staring at her knowingly. She pressed her lips together, waiting for him to look away or do something else. 

"Aren't you bored?" she blurted out after two minutes. "You're just looking at me… and I'm still in my pajamas."

"You just answered your question. I find it entertaining looking at you."

"You're not thinking of…" she trailed off, awkwardly covering her chest. "... that's not it, right?"

"What a dirty little mind," he chuckled, propping his elbow on the window. He rested his temple on his knuckles, eyes still on her. "If you feel uncomfortable being under my gaze, then look away. If that doesn't work, keep me busy. Or rather, us?"


Jackson shrugged. "I'm not the one who was in a dilemma. I'm easily appeased leering at you."

Fil went quiet once more, observing him carefully. Jackson still kept his gaze on her. There was nothing malicious in his gaze. If anything, it was more like how someone would watch an animal in the zoo, anticipating any tricks.

'That doesn't feel good,' she thought. 'Does he see me as an animal and waiting for any of my tricks?'

 "Ahem!" Fil straightened her back and looked away, pondering. "Do you know how I found them out?"


"Vincent and Marianne," she clarified. "Before I met you in the bar, I was talking to Marianne earlier that day. She told me to accompany her to her place."

Fil clasped her hands on her lap, backtracking the events in her mind. "I normally agree with all of her requests. However, because of how my day went, I told her I could not go."

"Then you felt bad?"

"Yes." She nodded, casting Jackson a bitter smile. "I kept thinking about it even during work. So, after work, I went straight to her place. It was supposed to be a surprise."

Thinking back, she couldn't help but laugh. "But who would have thought I would be the one who would get surprised? The more I think about it, the more I realize she wasn't expecting me to come. She knew how busy I was in the past weeks and how I always pulled an all-nighter."

"She was simply confirming," she added under her breath. "She was confirming if I would be too preoccupied so she could have Vincent come over. Isn't that a little funny?"

"Is that how you also found out he wouldn't come home to his place?"

"I want to believe that is a separate thing, but if this had been going on for a long time, then… it might be connected one way or another." Fil smacked her lips and forced a smile. "Anyway, that's the story before I met you in that nightclub."

Jackson nodded in understanding, and then arched a brow when she asked;

"How about you? Why are you in that place that night?"

"I met someone." His answer was quick and short. "I figured it wouldn't hurt to meet an old friend after such a long time. I almost regretted it until you suddenly showed up in front of me."

For a moment, Fil and Jackson stayed quiet while holding each other's gazes. 

"Can I ask you a question?" she blurted out even before she could decide if she should ask. His only reaction was a brow raised, making her clear her throat. She already opened her mouth, she might as well ask the question. It was up to him if he wanted to answer or not.

"Why are you helping me?" she asked carefully. "I know last night… is something you're probably used to. With that face alone, I'm sure women wouldn't mind spending a night with you. But it's just strange."

"You make me sound like a whore, lady."

"I mean, you already got what you wanted," she continued, ignoring his comment. "Yet, instead of just going on with your life, here you are. I just don't understand nor do I see anything you'd get from helping me."



Jackson chuckled, stretching his arm. When his fingertip reached the small portion of her hazel waves, he circled it around her hair tips. 

"What I'd get by helping you?" he dawdled seductively. "That's my answer, you."

His eyes narrowed, making his long and thick lashes appear darker. "I haven't gotten what I wanted. You're not mine yet."