Just who is this guy?

Meeting a celebrity was not a first for Fil. Marianne was a famous news anchor, and being friends with her, it was inevitable for Fil to meet celebrities once in a while. It was the reason Vincent's little sister, Valerie, liked Marianne. That young lady always aspired to be an actress. Not to mention, Vincent's circle of friends were either rich or celebrities. 

Fil shouldn't be starstruck at meeting a celebrity since she also had 'famous' friends.

But Kim Rock was different.

This woman was known as the nation's goddess, a woman who had a clean record throughout the start of her career until now, and also the highest-paid actress of all time. 

Even from a distance, Fil understood why that woman made it big in the industry. 

'I thought I got used to meeting celebrities.' Fil's steps slowed down the closer she was to the woman; she was almost ogling at her. 'But she's really a celebrity!'

Kim Rock was talking to her manager as she waltzed through the hallway. But then she arched a brow as she noticed the pair walking in their direction. Her red lips curled up as she stopped, blocking Jackson and Fil's path. 

"Huh?" Fil slowed down until her steps completely stopped, darting her eyes between the celebrity goddess and Jackson's back.

"What a surprise," said the woman. Her voice was alluring and pleasing to the ear. It was better than her voice in the movies and dramas she starred in. "I heard you'd be here, but I didn't think you'd really come."

'He knows her?' Fil wondered, wide-eyed. 'Is he actually a son of a billionaire? Even Vincent and Marianne couldn't enter this woman's circle.'

Jackson lifted a finger and pointed it at Kim, moving his finger sideways. "You're in the way. Move."

Kim smirked, crossing her arms under her chest. "Actually, you are in the way, not me. Move."

"Huh?" Fil instinctively stepped aside, but Jackson didn't. 'Why wasn't he making way for the queen?'

"Who is this?" Kim arched a brow as she slowly shifted her eyes to Fil. The moment her eyes landed on the latter, Fil tensed up, but her eyes were still twinkling. "Oh. A pretty lady. I heard you're bringing someone with you. I assume that's her."

She took a step, only for Jackson to block her path. Kim slowly gazed up at him, this time catching the dark glint flickering across his beautiful pair of topaz. 

"Fine." Kim raised her hands in surrender. "I'm not going to steal her."

"Get her ugly face out of my sight," Jackson warned for the last time, casting Kim's manager a look. "It hurts my eyes."

'Did he just call her ugly? Then what about me? A speck of dirt?' Fil scrunched up her nose, obviously not pleased at how rude Jackson was treating the nation's goddess.

"Kim…" the manager held Kim's arm nervously. "Let's go. You still have to sign an endorsement contract, remember?"

Kim kept her gaze on Jackson and then shifted her eyes to Fil. "He's a jerk, isn't he?" she remarked, and Fil nodded without even thinking. "Be careful. I'll see you around." she winked and stepped to the side, tipping her head as a gesture for them to go. 

"I told him I don't want to see ugly things," Jackson murmured, casting Fil a look. "Let's go, sweetheart. Forget about the pile of dung we saw on the way just now."

What did he just call Kim?

"..." Fil's jaw dropped, immediately casting Kim an apologetic and panicked look. Although Kim didn't look offended, Fil still felt sorry.

"I'm sorry! He's lost his mind!" Fil panicked, jogging to follow Jackson while apologizing to Kim. "He didn't mean it!"

"I meant it," Jackson affirmed, only to get slapped on his shoulder. When he looked back at her, all he saw was Fil glaring. "Sweetheart, at this point, I'd become a battered wife! Right. I'm the mistress. Does that mean a battered mistress? Or a martyr one?"

"Goodness." Fil clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Why are you so rude?"

Meanwhile, Kim stood in the same spot while watching Fil and Jackson approach the penthouse. The corner of her lips curled up, keeping her attention on Fil's back. 

"Such a pretty lady," she whispered. "Manager Lee, tell those guys that I can't make it."

"Kim —"

"If they want, tell them to meet me here. Dustin told me someone needed help, and I feel very magnanimous today."


"Oh, there you are!"

The moment Fil and Jackson entered the penthouse, Fil heard a man's jolly voice. Her eyes shook as she tried searching for the owner of the voice, but all she could see around were racks and racks of clothes, a few people bringing some more from the other entrance, and nothing else. 

"You guys are late!" the same man announced as he emerged from behind the rack with a dress in his hand. "You better have a good explanation for why I deserve to waste my precious time waiting!" 

When Fil found the person, her steps halted as her brows furrowed. Red curly hair, freckles sprinkled all across his face and jaw, and a pair of green eyes. He was wearing a three-forth sleeve with a high collar matched with gray trousers and a pair of black loafers. 

'Why did this guy look so familiar?' she wondered, trying to recall where she could've seen this guy.

The man stood in front of Jackson and then at Fil. "Is she the one?"

"Yes, the one." Jackson sauntered to the nearby couch and threw himself on it. "I told you what I need you to do. Give her an entire set of wardrobe. Also, burn all the clothes that witch got for this season's wardrobe."

"I see. So you met Kim on the way, huh?" The red hair chuckled, snapping his eyes at Fil. He stretched his hand, offering it to her. "Dustin McGuire. I believe you are Filomena?"

"Just call me Fil." Fil politely clasps his hand, only to feel this dark aura coming from her side. However, she ignored it. "I think I heard that name before… McGuire —"

Her eyes instantly went wide as she finally recalled where she had seen this guy and heard the name.

Dustin McGuire.

A genius man with golden hands. This guy was a fashion luxury designer who rose to fame when he was just seventeen. Fil knew it because Marianne wouldn't stop talking about him and how some of Vincent's friends would brag about the pieces they bought from the MG brand. 

"Seeing your clothes, I assume you're someone who isn't very keen on fashion. But I'm flattered if you still know me," Dustin quipped. "But please, let go of my hand. I can't make designs if I don't have it anymore."

"Ah…" Fil abruptly released his hand and then cast Jackson a look. The moment her eyes fell on him, the gloom on his face was instantly replaced with a bright, innocent smile. 'First, he knew Kim and would even make blatant snide comments in front of her. And now, Dustin McGuire? Seriously. Just who is the guy I picked up the other night?'