Life saving in danger


"Next one!"

"Try this on!"

"Perfect! Turn around!"

For the next few hours, Fil could only hear Dustin's excited voice. It was almost echoing in the penthouse. The two-minute time mark also felt a lot longer, getting used to wearing the pieces as quickly as she could. Some clothes were too complicated for her. Thus, Fil had to trust the other stylist to help her. As long as her private parts were covered, she grew comfortable showing more skin to them. 

These people didn't look at her with judgment or with any malice. If anything, they seemed to see her as a mannequin they were dressing up. That helped her a lot in getting used to this chore. 

"Open up!" Dustin's voice echoed once more, and just like what had been happening, the racks of clothes were pulled away from each other. 

Fil looked at herself in the mirror, pleased at this matching pair of clothes: blazer, skirt, and an inner sleeveless top. This was more of her type. She wasn't showing too much aside from her fair legs, but she still looked stylish. 

When Fil turned around to face Dustin, she got distracted by Jackson. Jackson was now sitting again, taking a photo of her once more, and then passing a piece of clothing to one of Dustin's staff. 

"Oh, that looks nice!" Dustin nodded in approval. "I was hesitant at first, but you made the look so much better!"

Fil laughed awkwardly. "You flatter me, but the dress is already pretty. All these dresses make me look presentable."

"You think?" Dustin blinked, only to chuckle in amusement. "Oh, honey. Your low self-esteem is really bad, huh?"


"Clothes might be pretty, but how it will appear still depends on the one who wears it," said Dustin in a matter-of-fact. "Trust me. Confidence is one of the best things you can wear and carry around. All these pieces were just as simple as any decorations."

Fil kept her gaze on Dustin and smiled subtly. What he said was almost generic, but she still grasped what he meant by that. But then, Fil felt a little hot.

"Are these clothes too thick?" she wondered, fanning herself on instinct. "Why did it suddenly feel hot?"

"The AC is on, but I guess they won't work if someone is burning something."


Dustin cocked his head in Jackson's direction. When Fil's gaze landed on Jackson, she caught him passing another piece of dress to one of Dustin's staff. This time, Fil's eyes followed the staff and her face twitched when the staff threw the dress in the fireplace. 

"What in the world is he doing?" she blurted out under her breath in disbelief as Jackson flashed her a smile. 

"He's burning Kim's clothes to kill time," explained Dustin with a laugh. "Try the next piece. Don't worry. I already asked for some industrial fan since the ACs are not enough."


Fil opened and closed her mouth, but her voice was stuck in her throat. She cast Jackson a look one more time, only to see him still smiling at her while passing on the next dress on the armrest. 

'He did burn the clothes Kim got.'

"Come on, Fil honey! Chop chop!" Dustin clapped, motioning one of his staff to help Fil get back behind the racks. 

"Is he insane?" she murmured to herself, looking at the clothes that were blocking her. "Why is he burning someone else's clothes? And why does Mr. McGuire act as if it's nothing?"

"These clothes…" Just then, Fil's bubble popped as she gazed down at the clothes in her arms. She carefully checked the top and found the tag. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets as soon as she saw the price. 

'Right… the price!' she gasped, realizing her life savings were in danger. "Oh, god. How can I forget?"

The top alone cost a few days of work and it was just a simple top. She checked the first pants Dustin threw at her to try on, and her heart instantly dropped to her stomach. If her calculation was correct, with all the clothes she already tried on and Jackson approved, she could've already bought a small place of her own. 

"I'm doomed."

As Fil was having a mental crisis and lost the energy to try the new set, she suddenly heard the beautiful voice of a woman on the other side.

"Well, well, well. I guess someone's burning something." Kim sauntered to the area where the work was being done. "No wonder I heard Dustin requested a few industrial fans from the manager. This place feels like hell."

"Did she touch this?" Ignoring Kim's presence, Jackson asked the staff who had been helping him carry out his evil activities. 


"Then you know where this goes."

The staff nodded in understanding, pretending that Kim wasn't there. Fortunately, Dustin's people were also close to Kim, as she was the only person Dustin personally styled. Hence, the staff knew Kim wouldn't hold her accountable. 

"What a childish person." Kim shook her head and laughed. "Dus, baby, did you tell him I already packed the ones I got after hearing he was coming here?"

"Oh, yes." Dustin nodded. "But he still burns the one you touched, saying they're too filthy."

Jackson slowly snapped his eyes to Kim, wiggling his brows playfully. He hadn't said anything, but the smile on Kim's gradually changed into an annoyed one. 

"Don't let him get to you," Dustin humored, shifting his attention to where Fil was. "Honey, are you done? Open it up. Let me see."

When the rack parted, deep lines appeared on Dustin's forehead. "Huh? Why didn't you change, honey?"

"Ah…" Fil opened and closed her mouth, not knowing how to explain her dilemma. 

"Is there's something wrong?" Dustin checked his watch, realizing it was noon. He clapped and scanned everyone. "Let's take a break. The venue hall downstairs prepared a buffet for everyone. Come back in an hour."

A buffet exclusive for them? Fil's complexion turned pale. Would they charge it to her too? After this day, she could already imagine starving in her home while looking at the fancy clothes in her closet.