Now, you even lecture your mother.

Spending almost an entire day with Dustin, Kim, and Jackson brought a realization to Fil. The three of them were 'friends' for a reason. They were strong, talented, and confident individuals, complementing each other in an almost strange way. Although Kim and Jackson would just throw snide remarks at each other at every opportunity and didn't consider each other as 'friends', they looked sort of close. 

It was also overwhelming and flattering to be with them. 

Kim's and Dustin's reputations were regarded highly, and the thought of entering their circle was like a farfetched dream. Yet, here they were, drinking and having fun with Fil after an exhausting day in an exclusive lounge in a nightclub. 

"Honey, you should reconsider my offer." Dustin placed down his cocktail, resting his arm on his crossed leg. "Those flats really irritate me."

Fil lowered as she felt shrinking. Her wavy hazel hair was trimmed and styled with big curls. Her makeup was light but sophisticated. Aside from the makeover and the new set of wardrobe from the respectable Dustin, Kim's glam team also taught her the basic application of makeup and shades that complimented her the most. They even gave Fil a new set of makeup for personal use. 

However, just when they thought the job was done, they thought wrong. 

Fil didn't know how to walk in heels. She was walking like a robot as if balancing on a thin thread in a circus. Dustin and Kim just face-palmed while Jackson chuckled heartily. It was an embarrassing memory to remember.

"If you're too busy, then just walk around home with heels on," Kim chimed in, sitting across from Fil and beside Dustin. "You might think you don't need them, but sometimes, they help you boost your confidence."

"I'll try." Fil forced a smile, only to look to her side when Jackson spoke. 

"She can walk in them perfectly, though." Jackson cocked his head, casting Fil a knowing look. "Her gait was perfectly amusing."

Kim rolled her eyes. "Fil, tell me when you are free. I'll arrange a visit with my ophthalmologist."

"But my vision is clear now," said Fil. "I had a laser two years ago."

"She meant she found your choice of men questionable," explained Dustin, chuckling. "Kim couldn't understand what you see in Jackson that you would date him."

"I'm not dating him."

"Huh?" Dustin furrowed his brows while Kim arched a brow. Fil also knitted her brows, looking at Jackson. 

Did he tell them they were dating?

"I never said I'm dating her, but it still stings hearing it." Jackson shrugged. "Our relationship is much simpler than that. I'm her side chick."

Dustin almost threw up all the drinks he had all night. Meanwhile, Kim's mouth parted in disbelief. Fil, on the other hand, panicked upon seeing their reaction.

"It's not like that!" she defended, waving both of her hands in front of her. "It was a joke and —"

"She's truly a cruel woman." Jackson set his attention on her, wiggling his brows playfully. "Playing with a gentleman's fragile heart — my heart is bleeding."

Fil scoffed and, before she knew it, she blurted out, "Do you want to literally bleed out?" How could he slander her in front of these people!?

"See? Not only she is cruel, but she's also bordering abusive!" Jackson gasped as he placed his hand across his chest. "Surely, I am a fool to fall for such a cruel woman."

"Shut up." Kim clicked her tongue in irritation. She then shifted her attention to Fil. "Fil, baby, is it true?"

"Please, hear me out," Fil faced them in panic. "I know it's wrong and I can't justify it no matter what, but he isn't —"

"I don't approve of cheating in any form," Dustin cut her off before she could finish, his tone was serious. "It's just wrong."

Hearing the change in his tone, Fil's heart dropped to her stomach. She darted her eyes between Kim and Dustin, understanding the disappointed look on their faces. Fil bit her inner lips, lowering her gaze as she felt too embarrassed to meet their eyes. 

Vincent's friends might've tolerated it, but Kim and Dustin were different people. 

"What's up with the mood?" Jackson frowned, leaning back comfortably as he darted his eyes between the two across from him. "It's not that big of a deal, so don't worry about your dearest Jackson being a mistress."

He arched a brow, glancing at Fil and then back at the two. "You're making her sad."

"All we're saying is we don't care if you two date, but Fil isn't a bad person," Dustin argued with a sigh. "Even so, it's still wrong."

"Why stay in a relationship when you want to be with someone else?" Kim followed up. "Just leave the relationship instead of hurting the other party."

"Haha." Jackson laughed, but his lips didn't reach his eyes. "I was expecting a more amusing response — how disappointing."

"I agree with you." Ignoring Jackson's nonsense, Fil drew a deep breath and smiled bitterly. "I also thought of that; why stay in a relationship if you already found someone else? Break up might be hurtful, especially if the reason is another person is involved. Still, it's even more painful if you find out another person is already involved in the relationship."

She found the courage to raise her head, meeting Kim's and Dustin's eyes. "As wrong as it may be, hurting my fiance is my goal. Not just him, but everyone who covered up for him, no matter how small or big it is."

"A simple breakup to save him from further pain isn't my goal. I want to give him pain that would haunt him even with his open." Fil slowly rose from her seat, offering them a subtle smile. "Thank you for helping me and for treating me kindly. I'm also sorry for disappointing you, but I am not as kind or good as you think I am. Jackson isn't at fault. If anything, he's just helping me."

Fil lowered her head slightly, casting Jackson a short smile. "Thank you for today, but I'll leave first."

With that being said, Fil dragged her feet away while keeping her chin high. As she did so, she couldn't help but mentally laugh in ridicule. 

What a truly foolish woman to think she could be friends with people like them. Despite that, Fil was still glad this happened early and not later when she felt even more invested.

When Fil crossed the threshold, Jackson kept his eyes on the door even if she was gone. He drew a deep breath and his eyes fell on the other two.

"Now, you also lecture your mother?" he arched a brow. "You kids never grow up."

"That's not what we meant." Kim abruptly rose to her feet, not wasting a second to follow Fil. "And shut up."

Dustin, on the other hand, sighed. He slowly pushed himself up.

"We're just saying it's not worth her energy and time since we're already here," he muttered, casting Jackson a somber look. "I'll go follow them."

With that being said, Dustin walked away from the VIP lounge while Jackson stayed behind. The latter leaned forward, picking up a glass of whiskey. 

"They better apologize to her," he muttered before chugging down the drink. "Because if it was me, I wouldn't be too lenient. I would've dismembered them myself."