Evil twin sister

[Skyline Construct: Engineering Department]

"Hey, how's the presentation yesterday? I heard it was bad." Kenzo approached a colleague standing in front of the coffeemaker in the pantry. 

The other man, Oliver, sighed and shook his head. "If you heard about it, why ask?" 

"Because I have to go to work early to assist," Kenzo, the first man, remarked. "Man… this isn't even my project, but the entire department is under fire because you messed up your presentation."

"This is Fil's fault."

"And why is it her fault?"

"If she didn't have a leave, this wouldn't have happened."

"But she isn't the lead in this project — this isn't even her project." Kenzo chuckled, taking a step toward making his own coffee. "If the chief heard you're blaming Fil about it, she'll make your life a living hell."

Oliver grumbled, leaning his back against the counter. "I know it's not her fault, but she said she would help."

"She already did," the other man cast him a quick look. "She fixed the mistakes on your blueprints. Isn't that enough help?"

"Why did she even take a leave at the worst time?"

"If you have time to complain about your colleague's personal time off, you might as well use that energy and time reflecting on why the presentation flopped." Just then, a woman in her mid-forties stepped into the pantry. 

Oliver, the one complaining, immediately straightened his back, clearing his throat. His eyes followed the middle-aged woman, watching her check the fridge. 

"That's what I've been telling him," Kenzo shrugged. "Though I can't blame him, chief. Fil does have her fault in it. She helped everyone that everyone started depending on her."

The head of the department straightened her back and faced them. "I know. That's why I approved of her leave when she asked for it for the first time in seven years."

"Heh." Kenzo chuckled, giving the other man a knowing look. "You know who to blame now. Blame the boss."

"This job sucks." The middle-aged woman walked away while opening the can of energy drink. "Go back to your desk and see how you can make things right…"

She trailed off, narrowing her eyes as a figure entered the office. Hazel hair with large curls, a sophisticated smart casual matched with a heel, and a cute handbag. 

"Fil?" she remarked quietly, watching Fil approach her desk. 

At the same time, the two men in the pantry were also coming out. They stopped behind their supervisor, eyes on the woman they had never seen before. The man who was initially blaming Fil cocked his head to the side, saying;

"That's not her."

But the other man who defended Fil (Kenzo) recognized her almost immediately. Despite the change of style of her clothes, and hair, and the different aura she carried, those who knew the genius of this department very well would never mistake her. 

"Fil —" one of their colleagues at her desk turned around when she felt movements in the other cubicle. However, when she faced Fil, she halted in horror. "Who are you? An intern?"

"Hmm?" Fil raised her brows, spinning the swivel chair to face her colleague. "What, Elise?"

Elise, Fil's junior, furrowed her brows. She scanned Fil's face in disbelief. If not for those beautiful and unique amethyst eyes Fil had, she wouldn't even believe this was Fil.

"Hello?" Fil waved in front of Elise. "Elise? Are you okay?"

"Fil!" Just then, Fil jolted when she heard a loud call in front of her cubicle. When she turned, she caught two of her office mates — the ones who were in the pantry. 

"Oh, wow," Oliver gasped, resting his arms on top of the cubicle. "It's really you!"

"You were only gone for a day, and you come back like a totally different person," said the other man, leaning his side against her cubicle. "Look at Elise. She's in shock."

"Kenzo, what nonsense are you spewing?" Fil returned, pretending not to be surprised. She was also surprised at herself when she first saw herself after the makeover. How could she expect others won't?

"I just thought it would be nice to have a little change. Is it bad?"

"Bad? Damn. You suddenly became an old auntie to a hottie!" Oliver exclaimed. "Hey, Fil, want to have lunch together?"

"Unfortunately, you're asking with ulterior motives of a woman who has a fiance." Their supervisor approached Fil's desk, standing next to the two other men. "Did I tell you to go back to work?"

Kenzo briefly raised his brows. "Fil, let's talk later. I have some concerns."

"Sure." Fil smiled, nodding.

"What about you?" the middle-aged woman arched her brows at Oliver, who was still staring at Fil blankly. "Oliver, did you hear me?"

Fil furrowed her brows, feeling a little self-conscious at the unbending stare she was getting from the childish bully in the office. Oliver was harmless, though. 

"He malfunctioned." The chief shook her head, snapping her eyes to Kenzo, who went back. "Thanks."

"This guy is a lost cause," Kenzo remarked, dragging Oliver with him. "I wonder if he could even work properly now."

"He better be. I'm not taking more heat from the higher-ups than I already had." The chief quipped before setting her eyes back to Fil. She looked at the latter from head to toe and then smiled. "Did the personal leave help?"

Fil smiled, nodding. "Yes, chief. Thanks."

"Don't thank me, it was your right. Also, you deserved it." The chief chuckled, shifting her attention to Elise. "Though you have to do something about her. Everyone is shocked to see you doll up for the first time. They're all acting as if something huge changed when you just wore something differently. It's not like you were ugly and needed to go under the knife."

"Anyway, come to my office in an hour," she added before walking away from Fil's desk. 

The smile on Fil stretched, watching her boss walk back to her office. When she huffed, she turned and faced Elise, her junior. Elise had this youthful and vibrant face, a young lady, who wore her heart on her sleeve. Thus, it was easy to read what was going on in Elise's mind right now. 

"Fil," Elise muttered in horror. "Do you have an evil twin sister? Who comes to your place to avenge her sister's bully?"

Fil laughed. "Life would be a lot easier if I had."

"I know you're already pretty, but this… wow." Elise gasped in disbelief. "Look what you've done to our office. I think I'm in love."

Fil furrowed her brows, looking around the office, and seeing a few more who were in the office looking at her in disbelief. By the look in their eyes, they were as though seeing a celebrity for the first time. 

'I expected them to be surprised, but not to this degree.'