I guess the porch is a bad idea.

Fil's family was wholesome. She got a responsible father who would work himself to the bone to provide for the family. A lovely mother who would tidy the home and make it a place for everyone to rest and a rebellious little brother to add peak and trough to the family dynamic. 

Overall, it was heartwarming to see them interact with each other. 

When Irene, Fil's mother, heard about her daughter's visit, she excitedly rushed out of the kitchen. Just like Simon and Elijah, she was curious about the man with her daughter. When Fil explained the reason for Jackson's presence, Irene didn't question it. Instead, she offered Jackson anything she could offer to him. 

Over an hour later, Simon already returned from his deliveries and rested from all the tedious morning work. Elijah, on the other hand, stayed with Fil and Jackson, asking random questions out of pure curiosity. 

Their day went by just like that.