Comforting a friend

"Good thing I stayed," Marcus expressed, sitting behind the wheel as he drove through the freeway. "If not, I don't think you could ride something home."

Fil smiled in relief, seated in the front passenger seat. "The chief is kind enough to offer me a ride."

"You trust them?"

"Why not?"

"Fil, you barely know them," he remarked out of concern. "I'm not saying they're bad people and they might do something bad to you, but I'm saying you can't trust people so much."

"You're pretty," he added, eyes on the road. "You don't know what thoughts you evoke in men."

Fil stared at his side profile, looking at him curiously. "Tell me, Marcus. What kind of thoughts do I evoke in you?"

A moment of silence synced in the inbound breeze after her question. Marcus cast her a sidelong glance, only to see the curiosity in her eyes.