A space

Fil idled by the corridor for a few minutes before pushing herself away. She leisurely took her time to get into her apartment unit. When she opened the door, her eyes fell on the person slumped in the entryway. 

Jackson was sitting on the floor of the entryway. His arms were resting on his bent knees, head cocked back, eyes shut. Fil didn't know he would be here tonight, but she wasn't surprised to see him. At this point, she was getting used to his antics.

"Why are you sitting there?" she greeted, stepping inside and closing the door behind her. "Don't tell me you're pretending to be a dog, waiting for their human to come home."

Jackson's lips curled up before his eyes opened. "What if that's what I'm doing?" he returned, watching her squat down in front of him. 

"Then I'm going to ruffle your mane excitedly because I don't have a tail to wag." Fil cupped his face, smiling. "Why do you look sad?"

"I'm not sad. I'm tired."
