
Days later…

Fil and Marcus's communication grew frequent in no time. He would message her whenever he got the time and she would respond if she felt like it. It amused her how Marcus seemed desperate, but not desperate enough to show her he liked to keep in contact. 

He hid his intention perfectly well behind the guise of sending her help for her project. Not that Fil was in a hurry. According to Jackson, the gradual progress leaves a satisfying end. Giving enough mixed signals to the man would keep him hooked.

"So? Have you decided?" 

"Huh?" Vincent's voice snapped her back to the current lapse, making her look up at the man across from her. 

Vincent frowned, resting his arms against the edge of the table, his cutleries still in his hands. "You're zoning out, Fil. What? Do I bore you now that your mind isn't here?"

"Sorry. I'm just thinking of the project." She smiled meekly. "I didn't mean to ignore you."