Don't turn away the blessings

Another day later…

"Hi, Fil."

"Hey, Fil."


Receiving greetings and attention in the company was something Fil came to terms with. Although the attention slightly decreased after a few days since her 'glow up,' people would still greet her. But today was different.

It felt like she went back to the first time she came to work after her makeover. Everyone would just greet her and they weren't even being discreet about it. Especially, male employees would strike up casual conversations with her. 

Fil had a suspicion, though. 

"Good morning, Fil!" Elise greeted, turning to the desk beside her with a smile. "How's the —"

Elise almost bit her tongue as soon as she saw the suspicious look from Fil. "Uh… why are you looking at me like that, Fil?"

"It was you, right?" Fil hummed, crossing her arms under her chest. "You told everyone that I'm single."