She crossed the line, deal with her.

"It's a shame I wouldn't witness that firsthand."

Just then, a knock on the door stole Fil's attention. She snapped her eyes to the door, only to see Elise peeking her head in. 

"Fil!" Elise exclaimed, making Fil knit her brows at the panic dominating Elise's face. "Mr. Sisson is here to check the progress. He's looking for you. Are you okay now?" 

'Jack is here?' Fil was confused, only to remember Jack scheduled another meeting today. 'Right. He told me this morning that he'd see me at work.'

"Oh, my god." Fil gasped in horror, checking her face in the mirror. Seeing that the swelling on her cheek barely eased, Fil looked at Elise helplessly. "Can you tell him I'm sick?"

"Liv already told him you met a little accident and can't attend the meeting, but he insisted." Elise returned helplessly. "He said you didn't break a leg or your skull, so you should be fine."