Poisonous ideas

Fil stayed with Kenzo until dinner. She couldn't just leave him alone for two reasons: one thing was because she was worried about him and the other one was that she didn't trust him that much. He might sneak out.

It wasn't like she hid those reasons from him. 

Kenzo sat in the living area once again, now that he was alone. He glanced at the couch where she sat initially, sighing deeply. 

"She's really annoying sometimes," he murmured, thinking of the stress she put him through by interrogating him about this mystery woman. "She's impossible."

Kenzo shook his head mildly before he heard some mechanical noises from the entrance. Slowly, he turned his head until he caught his brother emerging from the entryway. 

"Thanks, Cole," was the first thing Kenzo said, making the neatly dressed man with thin-framed glasses, slightly broad shoulders, and towering stature glance in his direction. "Fil just gave me the stress of my life."