
"I'm just… surprised, that's all. But I understand the dilemma."

A moment of silence fell on them as both of them indulged in the quietness. For some reason, even though people were coming and going, they didn't seem to matter at the moment. 

"Last night…" Fil broke the silence with her quiet voice, still not looking at him. "Vincent went to my place."

His brows rose in surprise. "Did you two… get back together?"

"What if we did?" this time, she faced him. "Was that enough to make you stop?"

Marcus couldn't answer, knowing whatever answer he would give her would put him in a tricky situation. If he said yes, chances were she wouldn't go out with him. But if he answered no — which he almost said — then she might criticize him as a man who was willing to have an affair with his best friend's lover. 

"Marcus…" Fil scratched her temple in distress. "Why me, of all people?"

"If I knew, I would've dealt with it without telling you."