Meeting you halfway

"Mom! You promised!" 

"Gosh! What am I going to do then!?"

"You said you're going to take care of that woman!? And you told me I can use your card for now, but it's not working! Mom!"

Fil and Marcus held each other's gaze. Although they figured Valerie was just in the regular store area, they couldn't help but listen. At this point, everyone could only listen to her throw a huge fit. 

"Mom!" Valerie called once more. "Why are you doing this to me? You told me you believed me! I didn't hit her, alright? I'm being punished unjustly. Moreover, why are you doing this to me? Why lie to me? You gave me the card, but now, they said it's frozen. Do you know how humiliating it is?"

"Throwing a huge fit publicly is much more humiliating than having a frozen account," Fil murmured, rolling her eyes as she leaned against the settee. "I guess we're not going anywhere until she's here."