
The birthday of Felix Hale, the chairman of Hale Construction, was always one of the most important occasions for the family. Every year, the Hale Family would host a grand party that was grander than the last. And this year, they went all out. 

As usual, those distinguished guests were given accommodations for less hassle attendance. Some of the guests already arrived at the hotel a day before the event. Fil, on the other hand, simply chose to come early in the morning instead of spending the night. 

Standing in the middle of the suite, Fil was in awe. 

"Wow." She looked around. "Even though I was a part of designing the hotel, it's my first time staying over."

A satisfied grin turned up on her face before jumping on the bed. Her body bounced slightly, laying flat on her back, eyes on the ceiling. 

"This is nice," she said, spreading her arms and feet. "I should tell Jack we need to buy a new bed."