Forever grateful

When the food arrived and Fil had a bite, it somehow soothed her headache. Kim wanted to stay with her for god knows how long, but Fil was compelled to go somewhere. Fil knew she could either stay in her room and sulk or continue moving forward. 

She chose the latter. 

If Fil was in this house of fire, she only had two options. Watch herself burn along with it, or try to break free from it. Either way, she'll get hurt. Therefore, she would rather get hurt while trying. So when Kim excused herself and returned after half an hour, she already left.

"I'm back, dearest~!" Kim halted in the middle of the room, brows furrowed. "Fil?"

Kim searched the room, checking the bathroom if Fil was there. But Fil was nowhere to be found. But just as she rang Fil, she noticed a note on the bedside table. Picking it up, she read,

[I'm heading out for a while. Thank you for looking after me, but I'll be okay.
