Where did that Filomena go?

"Fil." Marcus knocked on the door patiently. "It's me. Can we talk?"

He glanced down at the gap underneath the door, taking a step back. He had been knocking on her door for minutes now, but still, there was no sign of movement inside. 

'Hadn't she gone home from the hotel?' he wondered as he shoved his hand inside his pocket. He tried calling her again, but she was still out of reach. 

Marcus clicked his tongue irritably and turned around. As soon as he did, he flinched at the elderly neighbor next door, peeking her head out of the door. He offered a smile, pointing at the door with his thumb. 

"Is the lady who lives here inside?"

The elderly neighbor squinted her eyes at him, looking at him up and down. Seeing that she was suspicious, Marcus smiled amicably. 

"I'm her… friend," he said with brief hesitation. "I need to talk to her about something."