Better off without each other

For the past three months, Fil didn't indulge in any news of the people she left in the city. She didn't bother trying to find out about what happened to Valerie or Vincent, the music video of Anton, Marcus, or even the mysteries behind Michael. 

The least she did was keep in contact with Marianne as little as possible. Just brief updates of their situations and then they would move on. Marianne was happy with just that. Even Jackson was surprised at how low-maintenance Marianne was. But overall, Marianne didn't mention anything about them — not even a word. Well, aside from telling Fil she was too busy that she hadn't been meeting them as well. 

Even so, since Fil was back in the city, she wanted to brief herself. She was only here for a week, but she wanted to equip herself with news about those people. Who would know what was coming to her, after all? One week was a long time for those people to make it feel like an eternity.