
After three months of peaceful nights, Fil barely slept through the night. She kept tossing and turning on the bed and before she knew it, it was already morning. Fil sat up groggily, ruffling her hair in distress. 

"Six more days…" she muttered, batting her eyes open. "I have to endure these six days and make him stop."

A part of her regretted not kicking the man's testicle to make him stop his nonsense. The other part of her consoled and told her holding back was the best decision she made last night. Marcus had lost it for sure. Who knew what he would do to Elise if Fil pushed him further to the edge?

"I will tell her today," she told herself, huffing. "I have to."

Fil took a deep breath, cheering herself to do what she should do. She felt bad for Elise because the latter seemed to like Marcus a lot, but she didn't deserve such a superficial relationship. Elise deserved more than this. 

With that thought in mind, Fil readied herself for the day.