Under wraps

For the rest of the day, Fil couldn't even have a proper conversation with Elise. Not that Elise ignored her, but her replies were too short to leave any opening. Hence, Fil didn't bother her and went by with her day as usual. 

Olivia has a point. 

Fil should know more than anyone else that words and warnings weren't enough. Her own brother always dissed Vincent back then, but all she saw was her little brother simply being jealous for getting her attention. But after seeing how Elijah rooted for Jackson, she realized how wrong she used to see things while dating Vincent. 

So, Fil realized the more she tried to make Elise see Marcus's real colors, the more Elise would feel motivated to see him the way she wanted to see him.

"Are you going home now?" Fil snapped back to reality when Elise rose from her seat. 

"Yes." Elise forced a smile. "See you tomorrow, Fil."