
"Ken, watch out!"

The tires screeched as Kenzo intuitively hit the brakes. Their hearts stopped momentarily as their bodies followed the sudden force. 


"Hah…" Fil breathed out a jagged breath, lifting her eyes to the windshield. Kenzo also raised his dilated eyes, mindlessly unbuckling his seat. 

"Oh, no," he muttered, jumping out of the driver's seat to check the person they hit. Fil also hopped out and as soon as she did, her eyes fell on the person lying on the ground.

"Oh, no."

"Mister!" Kenzo rushed to the person, squatting down to check up on him. Sweats instantly formed on his forehead and back, thinking this wouldn't end up well if this person died.

Fil stood frozen on the spot, watching Kenzo check the person they crashed into. Although they were driving slowly because of the red light and Kenzo timely hit the brakes, she heard the thud when they crashed into him. 

It sounded so traumatizing.