
"As much as possible, I want it to work with little to no risk. Impossible, but well, there won't be harm to try, right?"

For a moment, Fil couldn't say a word after hearing all of that from Michael. She still believed he was working in that huge international investment company. Hence, she believed investing in products was probably his job. But then again, she knew that company. That company mainly invests in real estate and other already huge businesses.

"Michael, how did you make your supervisor approve of investing in such a device?" she asked quietly. "It's not like this is first in the market. Though, I think it's probably one of the best by far."

"Fil, why do you always ask for the strangest things?" he returned in disbelief. "I'm giving you something cool, and that's what you're going to ask me?"

"You're giving it to me?"

"What do you think I'm doing?"