His last day as a human

At one point, Quentin thought that night was the end of him. What Latrice did to him put him in this unbearable pain. He felt like his blood was boiling, which made his skin steam. Every part of him itched with this stinging pain. 

He remembered writhing in pain as he begged her to stop, but she kept drinking his blood he could hear her gulps. After that, he felt something crawling through every fiber of his body before the pain followed. 

He even remembered tumbling down the bed, crawling away from it to call for help. But alas, before he could even say "help," he fell unconscious for the second time. 

When he woke up, he was lying in the throne room with this strange large circle around him. Candles were arranged at a precise distance that made a total of three circles. The first circle was on the line, then the second circle within it, and the last within those two.