And the world kept turning

The school bell rang and most students still crowded the hallway. When Latrice opened her locker, something immediately fell out of it. 

"Hmm?" She gazed down and picked up the folded pink letter. 

Opening it, it says:

[Just a few words to brighten your day and let you know that someone out here admires you deeply. Your smile is like sunshine, and your kindness warms my heart.

Yours secretly, 

A Secret Admirer.]

Her lips curled up as she read the beautiful cursive handwriting with a very small flower inside. 

For years now, she had been receiving a letter from this secret admirer. Initially, she chose to ignore it and would just go by her day. But as days, weeks, and years go by, this person earned her intrigued. 

Anyone would be intrigued if they were in her position.