Nathan's Conundrum

The sky had already darkened by the time they arrived at the hospital. Nathan entered the hospital ward with Warlock. Iain was still reading the same manga while Neo had already fallen asleep.

"What happened to you?" Iain looked by the door as he immediately saw the bandage arms of Nathan. He knew there was a confrontation that happened.

"Don't mind this, it's nothing serious or anything," Nathan said as he asked for the condition of his brother.

Iain sat up straight as he told Nathan that luckily no organs have been punctured by his ribs, by the state of his ribs and broken arms it would take at least 4 weeks before they heal. In two weeks though, he can already go home, but considering the treatment he gets here, it was advisable to stay here.

"Did you contact your mom yet?" Iain asked as Nathan replied with a 'no.'

"You know you can't hide this right? He'll have to stay here for weeks," Iain said to Nathan up front.

Of course, Nathan knew but he still doesn't know how to do so.

At this time Neo woke up.

"Brother?" Neo tried to sit up straight but the three men advised him not too, which he obliged.

Neo looked at Warlock, "Are you the one who helped us with the bills."

Warlock was surprised, he looked at Nathan before saying, "Yes, you don't have to worry about that, your job is to recuperate, don't mind such menial details."

"How can I do that? We aren't rich so being in a hospital bed, I feel guilty for my family. The fact that you are willing to help me…to help my family, how can I say that it's a menial thing?" Neo disagreed frantically.

Seeing that Neo was forcing himself, Warlock stopped him and said, "Don't be too thankful to him, I just did it because your brother's my friend. Plus, I don't go well with villains winning at the end of story, I always support the hero." Warlock winked.

Neo was still hesitant but seeing that Warlock wanted to drop the matter, he disagreed with his benefactor.

Nathan was enlightened in the conversation of Warlock and his brother. He could use Warlock as a scapegoat. He already shamelessly asked Iain for help, so it wouldn't help to ask once more. Besides, Warlock wouldn't be doing anything, Nathan we'll be using him as a protector.

As Nathan came up with a plan, Neo on the other hand tried to lay back to rest until he saw the bandage on the hands of Nathan.

"You really confronted Maddox? What were you thinking!" Neo shouted.

"I'm fine, and you don't have the right to talk like that. Can't you see how you look right now? The state you're in." Nathan said with a cold face.

"Besides, If I didn't find you there last night, would you have come home? Knowing you, I know you wouldn't."

Neo was silent, Nathan's guess was spot on. He felt ashamed of going home that night and he wanted to stay there, like forever.

"Let's stop here guys," Warlock broke the silence as he took out the snack he and Nathan had bought earlier.

Iain immediately stood up to get some food, it's been so long since he started reading, he needs to eat to replenish his lost brain cells.

Neo stayed silent before laying down at the bed. Seeing that Neo doesn't have an intention of eating, Warlock insisted the former eat with them.

Neo couldn't just avoid his benefactor so he accepted the food and thanked him, he ate the food silently though.

Nathan on the other hand didn't want to stay any longer and disrupt the room, he left and said he was going back home to tell Thraia about this whole incident.

Neo wanted to say something when Nathan said those words but he didn't, he knows the state he's in. There was no way of hiding it.

"Let me have my men assist you on the way back." Warlock offered.

"There's no need, you have helped me plenty today, I'll see you tomorrow," Nathan said as he left.

Warlock sighed before he continued eating. The snack earlier was not enough, so round two it is in the hospital ward.

At home, 6:00 pm.

Thraia had been worried sick since earlier. None of her sons are picking up their phones. All kinds of scenarios fall onto her head.

Thankfully, a few minutes later, Nathan arrived.

"Where were you? Why were you not picking up your phone? Where's your brother." As Nathan entered the house, he was bombarded by his mother with all kinds of questions.

With her bombardment of question, Thraia took time to breathe again, in doing so he noticed the bandages wrapped onto Nathan's hand.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to your hand?!" Thraia immediately reacted as she tried to grab his son's seemingly injured hands. Nathan was quick to react and move away.

"It's nothing, some crazy kid was playing with a burner and it went crazy. I was the nearest so I tried to catch it, it didn't end decently though," Nathan reasoned out.

"Do you think of me as someone stupid? A crazy kid throwing you a burner? You need to think of a better lie than that." Thraia was upset, feeling both angry and worried at the same time.

Nathan raised his hand and said, "Fine, I was just joking, see?" He took off the blindfold revealing no injuries whatsoever.

"Why would you do that, you're going to give me a heart attack!" Thraia said as she went and got a glass of water to drink.

Nathan let Thraia finish drinking her water before saying, "I said that to lessen the surprise the real problem will do to you."

"What problem? I'm not liking where this is going Nathan, besides where is your brother? It's already night time," Thraia responded.

"That's the problem, he's at the hospital right now.