Who is Collin?

Molly goes still after hearing Cereus say that, she thinks to herself "She still like Collin? She didn't yet get over him? WTF"

Then Molly starts waking up Cereus in a hurry and Cereus slowly wakes up and as she does, she starts to realise what she just did. Cereus starts processing in her mind, "Oh shit, I just had a dream about when Collin and I were still in a relationship, and I mistook Molly for Collin, shit shit shit."

Before Molly can open her mouth and give a lecture, Cereus raises her hand and covers Molly's mouth, to obstruct her from speaking and starts speaking clearly and not so loud, but firmly, "Listen, I know what you must be thinking. 'This girl still didn't learn her lesson, did she? Is she still head-over-heels for that good-for-nothing high school tutor of hers? I'm going to give her a piece of my mind today!' and before you do that, let me tell you something that I wanted to for the past 2 days. No, I still don't like Collin, at least that's what I thought until I started getting these random dreams of him, about when we were still dating. I am sure that I don't like him, but it's just that I'm just conflicted and sad and curious about why he did that. About why he left me and left his college, and just vanished into thin air. Like he didn't even exist. And he never even told me anything about his family or any personal information regarding him. I wonder from time to time, whether it was because I did something wrong, or he's just an a**hole, or what happened? What on earth must have happened for him to just vanish from all our lives? There must be some or the other reason no? Or was it just all my fault? Was I a bag girlfriend who didn't notice all the signs he was giving?". Cereus gets exasperated and tears slowly start forming in her eyes.

Molly's eyes widen when she sees the tears on the verge of falling on Cereus's eyes, and she starts consoling her little friend "Oh no darling, listen, don't cry. Just listen to me, see I know getting over Collin, aka your first love was not something easy that you had to go through. And personally, that guy is a jerk for leaving you, no matter whether there was a valid reason, or not. And Cer, I'm not saying you didn't go through something bad, but it's just that, I think it's time for you to move on. Collin is just one small chapter of your life that ended badly, but I don't want you to ruin all the other beautiful and spectacular chapters that you'll go through in the future just thinking about him. I know you think something bad might have happened to him, and are feeling guilty and responsible for not being there for him. But trust me, it's okay, I seriously think that it's not the case with him. I seriously think so. And this might not be the correct time, but I have another big news for you." As Molly remembers her earlier conversation with Matthew, her face scrunches up as she tries to inform Cereus. She doesn't understand whether to take it as a piece of grave news or wonderful and cheery news that needs to be celebrated. 

Regardless of her opinion, Molly honestly tells Cereus about her conversation with Matthew, and how she has come to know that Matthew likes her too, and would love to date her. She also informs how his eyes shimmered when he was talking about you like a loyal puppy talking about his beloved owner. 

At this comment, Cereus laughs out loudly, unable to contain her laughter anymore. She says, "Matthew likes me? No way, wow wow wow. But, why? Why would someone so handsome like him prefer someone like me?" She gets puzzled and starts contemplating.

Hearing this, Molly replies, "Oh shut up, so handsome? You guys are perfect for each other. Filling my ears and eyes with PDA and you both haven't even started dating yet. For the love of god!"

At the sound of this, Cereus starts smiling so wide, that she looks like she has a hanger in her mouth. She tries to control it and keep a straight face, but she can't contain her grin, as she starts smiling ear to ear again. 

Finally, seeing her smiling face, Molly lets out a sigh of relief.

Molly starts treading carefully, and asks Cereus, "Cer, I know you like Matthew now, and would love to date him. And I thought it would be perfect too, but now, since you told me about your dreams, I just have one question, are you sure about this? I don't want you to start a relationship right now, and keep thinking about Collin at the back of your mind. If you're not ready, you can take some time, and date after a couple of days or weeks. Whenever you are comfortable. I just hope you move on from Collin and live your life like before, childishly, clumsily and happily." As Molly starts giving this monologue, she observes Cereus's expression and deduces that she's okay, and not just pretending to be strong. She takes a mental note of it and feels proud of Cereus. 

Cereus thinks that Molly is resembling her mother more and more, with nagging like this, but still she replies, "I know I know, and don't worry, I seriously want to date my dear Matthew right now. Oh by the way, shit, it's so late, my mother will kill me for being this late to home."

Molly makes a face and goes, "Duh, what do you think I am for? I already told her that you're gonna be late, don't worry."

"Oh thank god," says Cereus. She continues, "But you know Mol, it's been a long time since I got dreams of Collin. I don't know why it got triggered now." and shrugs it away.

As soon as Cereus completes this sentence, she hears a husky voice, whose owner she proposed to just yesterday, "Who is Collin?"