He is back?

Disappointment clung to Cereus like the popcorn kernels stubbornly lodged in the bottom of the container. The cheesy rom-com playing inside the brightly lit cinema hall suddenly made her feel very lonely. Though Matthew, went out to get green tea for her, she didn't want to start watching the movie without him. And thinking, "He's gonna get 2 drinks, it'll be uncomfortable for Matthew, I better help him out."

Cereus gets up and leaves the cinema hall making her way to the Boba Tea shop, the crisp air nipped at her cheeks, a welcome contrast to the over-air-conditioned cinema. The familiar scent of roasted tapioca pearls drew her towards her Boba Tea shop, "Bubble Bliss." But as she reached for the door handle, a figure across the other door of the Tea Shop caught her eye.

"It couldn't be. Surely, not after all these years.

"A jolt of electricity shot through her. The broad shoulders, the way he held his head – even from behind, she'd recognize that posture anywhere, anytime. Collin. The very name sent a whirlwind of emotions swirling in her gut - anger, hurt, a sliver of hope so fragile it threatened to shatter at the slightest touch.

Before she could talk herself out of it, Cereus found her feet propelling her forward. She needed to see his face. Needed confirmation. Needed… something she couldn't quite define. As she opened the door to get to the other side of the store, dodging impatient shoulder bumps and weaving through the evening crowd, a tiny whirlwind in the form of a four-year-old boy slammed into her legs.

"Oof!" she cried, the impact sending her stumbling back. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" she said, more surprised than angry, bending down to the little boy who was sprawled on the floor with a surprised look on his face.

"Are you alright, little guy?" The boy, wide-eyed and clutching a bright red lollipop, simply nodded, his lower lip trembling slightly.

The boy then sniffled, rubbing his chin. "I f-fell," he mumbled, his lower lip trembling precariously. "It's okay," she said, scooping him up and brushing the dust off his clothes. "Let's get you that lollipop back, shall we?" A shy smile blossomed on the boy's face.

As he pointed towards the discarded candy, Cereus couldn't help but notice a familiar hand reaching down to pick it up. Her breath hitched. 

It was Matthew. "Hey, Cer, what are you doing here? I thought you were sitting in the movie theatre?"

Seeing Matthew, Cereus's memory of Collin, his pursuit, faded momentarily to the background.

She smiled at Matthew, as she replied, "I was, but I didn't want to start watching the movie without you. It seemed lonely."

Hearing this, Matthew gave a smile of his own, as he was about to reply one of the flirty pick-up lines that he spent the entire morning learning just for Cereus, they both heard a frantic voice.

"Timmy! There you are! I was so worried!" A flustered woman rushed over, scooping the boy into her arms. "Oh my god, are you hurt? I'm so sorry he ran into you!"

"No worries," Cereus assured her, smiling reassuringly. "He seems okay, just a little shaken."

The woman fussed over the boy, wiping a tear from his cheek and scolding him gently. "We talked about not running off, didn't we? Now you scared your mommy!"

The little boy mumbled an apology, burying his face in his mother's shoulder. After another round of thanks and apologies, the woman hurried off, her mischievous son glancing back at Cereus with a sheepish grin.

Cereus straightened up, her brief encounter momentarily distracting her from the familiar glimpse of Collin that she just encountered. But as she turned to see if the person was still there, a pang of disappointment hit her. The person was no longer there.

"Hey, Cereus, you coming?" Matthew's voice broke through her thoughts. "The movie's about to start." Matthew then hands over the green tea that he just brought.

Cereus forces a smile. "Yeah, coming!" She dismissed the lingering feeling of something missed, the memory of the familiar voice fading away as she joined Matthew, to start their movie date.