Chapter 16: Coffee Double Date and Meet my Brother?


The bell above the door chimed cheerfully, announcing Leo's arrival. He scanned the room, his gaze landing on me nestled in a corner booth with a couple of strangers. A jolt of nervous excitement shot through me as he approached, a hesitant smile gracing his lips.

We three were waiting for him.

"This must be Leo," Cereus said, gesturing towards the stranger with a hesitant smile. The nervousness was a strange sensation, a mix of excitement and the unfamiliar desire to make a good impression.

The man stood, his hand outstretched. A warm smile crinkled the corners of his eyes, making the faint lines around them seem more charming than weary. "Leo, at your service," he replied, his voice a smooth baritone that sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.

"Cereus," she responded, returning his handshake, "and this grumpy soul over here is Matthew."

Matthew chuckled, a low rumble that surprised me. "Not grumpy, just surprised. Molly hasn't stopped talking about you, Leo."

Leo's smile widened, a twinkle in his eyes. "Only the good things, I hope."

I scoffed playfully. "A slight exaggeration, wouldn't you say?"

Suddenly self-conscious, I realized I was clutching the book too tightly. I forced myself to relax, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Molly's on coffee duty," Cereus announced, gesturing towards the counter. "She seems to have memorized your preferences, Leo."

"A talent for all things caffeine-related," Leo replied, his gaze meeting mine for a fleeting moment. It was a look that sent a jolt through me, a mix of amusement and something deeper, something I couldn't quite decipher.

I returned, a triumphant smile gracing my lips. "Double espresso for my dear Cer," I announced, placing a steaming mug in front of her.

"Strong black coffee, no sugar," I continued, setting a mug down before Matthew.

Finally, I reached Leo, her smile widening even further. "Cappuccino with a hint of caramel, as always, right?"

Leo winked. "You got it, memory champion."

We settled into a comfortable silence, the clinking of spoons against mugs and the soft murmur of conversation the only sounds. Then, Matthew spoke, his voice laced with curiosity."So, Leo, glad to finally meet you. Molly has filled me in on all your adventures."

"Only the good ones, I hope," Leo replied with a wink. "

By the way, that reminds me, my brother keeps asking to meet you, Mol, if it's okay with you, that is. He wants to meet the guy who finally tamed his wild little brother."

I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. "Tamed might be a strong word," I retorted."

So, what does your brother do?" Matthew asked, his interest piqued.

There was a flicker in Leo's eyes, a fleeting hesitation that made me wonder if his casualness was a facade. He shrugged, seemingly nonchalant.

"Same old, same old. Some boring software job."

Something about the way he said it didn't quite ring true. Matthew opened his mouth to ask further, but Cereus interrupted sensing Leo didn't want to continue this topic any longer.

"Alright, caffeine injection complete," she announced, a playful lilt in her voice. "Now, spill the beans, Leo. How did you and our resident bookworm actually meet?"

I groaned, burying my face in my hand. "Cereus, not now!"

But Leo, bless his enigmatic heart, seemed to relish the opportunity. A slow smile spread across his face, and a glint of amusement danced in his eyes."Well," he began, leaning back in his seat, "it all started with a lost dog, a misplaced book, and a chance encounter in the rain…"

As Leo weaved his tale, a story far more captivating than I could have anticipated, the awkwardness melted away.

In a cozy corner of Central Perk, we were surrounded by laughter and the promise of a good story.

I can look at Cereus' face and see that she likes Leo. Maybe she perhaps thinks, there is more to Leo than met the eye, just like I did when I first met him. Well anyway, I'm glad she likes him. 

And so I continued listening to the rest of our story about how Leo and I first met, and how we progressed. Gosh, Cer does like to find new stories to embarrass me, doesn't she?