The Game Has Gone Online

"Lin Fang, don't forget to feed the cat before eating!" a female voice shouted and the sound of a door closing followed.

Upstair in a white barely furnished room sat a fair skinned boy with hair so blond, it almost looked white. He was hunched over in his chair, hands folded against the smooth surface of the wooden table and eyes fixed on the dimmed screen of the laptop.

The new game, Chronikle's Asura Realm, release date has landed on our doorsteps, the webpage read, after a year of anticipation, Chronikles Content Production Company has announced that they will unlock the server of their new game by 17:35 and the first five players to enter the server will get a special skill!

Rejoice gamers! We have confirmed the new server to be a worldwide server. This means, no matter what country you live in, everyone will play in one server, so don't worry about not being able to play with your friends across the world.

We have confirmed the unofficial rumor as an official truth. Thirty minutes into the opening of the saver, the game producers confirmed that in game coins can be converted into real world currency however real world currency cannot be used in the game or used for any transaction in the game...more news on that when the saver opens.

It had to be the fifth time Lin Fang had read this article. Apart from the company official website, this was the second most trusted page in the world.

Asura Realm is a virtue reality game developed and created by Chronikles Content Production Company. A year ago, the C.E.O of the company announced that they would shut down all other games of theirs to focus on the creation of the greatest game in the world!

An entire year, with all the top games from this company taken down caused a lot of questioning.

Everyone wondered what kind of game the greatest gaming company could create that would make them shut down other games.

A year later and a few basic information about the new game spread like wide fire. Even before the gaming pods hit the market, they were sold out!

Lin Fang had purchased a gaming pod too through his family connection and has it set in his room. The gaming pod was only a bit taller than him and wide enough to fit two people his size comfortably.

With the inside made of soft and warm material, prolong gaming without body pain was guaranteed.

Lin Fang shut down his laptop and walked out of the room. There was still a few minutes before the game officially begins and he had to feed the cat.

Baby, is a large chubby cat with warm ginger fur that Lin Fang liked to cuddle up to during cold night. She was very friendly with himself and his sister but also very hostile when strangers entered her territory namely their house.

As for her name, they don't talk about the reason for it, ever.

"Baby, it's time to eat. Babe!"

After feeding the cat and stroking it's fur, soaking in her warmth to his otherwise cold skin, Lin Fang returned to his room.

The gaming pod was installed next to his bed. He traced his fingers on the cold surface, admiring the delicate design, flawless even to the smallest detail.

He pressed a button by the side, turning on power and the top lifted with a soft hum. Lin Fang climbed in, layed back, appreciating the soft pillow, and watched the top fell close again.

As explained by the CEO of the gaming company, he fell into what he could only describe as a half asleep half awake, trance like state. He body felt unnaturally light yet grounded and his head was empty as thought he couldn't think.

The next moment, Lin Fang found himself standing in a white space.

[Hello Player, welcome to the Asura Realm where the impossible becomes possible]

[In this world, you can do anything you want, but your principal goal should be growing stronger and owning as many property, wealth and treasures as possible]

[Dungeons and rifts will be a common occurrence. Be prepared to defend yourself while battling beasts to receive loots]

[Now, you will begin your avatar creation]

The voice which spoke wasn't human yet didn't sound mechanical either. A full length mirror appeared in front of him making Lin Fang grimace. His reflection was a little too pale.

[You may only change your skin tone, hair color and length, and eyes color]

It was good enough for Lin Fang who wasn't going to change much from his already unnatural appearance. He made his hair completely white and long enough to reach his hip, his already light blue eyes almost colorless, and left his pale cold skin as it was.

The reason for these changes were simple. With longer hair, pale skin and the slender body he possessed, he'd easily be able to disguise his gender.

Almost colorless eyes and pale skin ment he'd easily be able to lie about his race.

The changes were reflected in the mirror and while Lin Fang could point out the difference, others who don't know him well would never know if he's a girl or a guy.

[Next, you can give yourself a name]

"Hon Ma Vương" Lin Fang quickly replied.

He had decided, weeks ago, to call himself this. The name explained itself simply as someone who won't allow himself to be treated wrongfully.

[Name has been set]

[There are four initial professions; Fighter, Assassins, Mage and Healer.

Fighter =>

Berserker: Known for their reckless abandon in battle, berserkers prioritize raw strength and aggression, sacrificing defense for devastating offensive power.

Guardian: Guardians specialize in protecting their allies and absorbing damage. They excel at holding the frontline and disrupting enemy formations with their defensive capabilities.

Duelist: Masters of one-on-one combat, duelists focus on speed, precision, and agility. They are skilled at exploiting their opponent's weaknesses and delivering precise strikes.

Unspecified: Select none of the above subclass and gain a small chance of unlocking a hidden class. Note, not guaranteed.

Assassin =>

Shadowborn: Shadowbornss use stealth and cunning to strike from the shadows, utilizing surprise attacks and deception to eliminate their targets swiftly and silently.

Poisoner: Poisoners specialize in using toxins and venoms to weaken and incapacitate their enemies over time. They excel at inflicting debilitating effects and creating chaos on the battlefield.

Executioner: Executioners are experts in finishing off wounded foes with ruthless efficiency. They capitalize on exploiting vulnerabilities and delivering fatal blows with precision and speed.

Unspecified: Select none of the above subclass and gain a small chance of unlocking a hidden class. Note, not guaranteed.

Mage =>

Elementalist: Elementalists harness the power of the elements to unleash devastating spells, manipulating fire, ice, lightning, and earth to control the battlefield and overwhelm their opponents.

Illusionist: Illusionists specialize in trickery and deception, using illusions and mind-bending spells to confuse and disorient their enemies, creating openings for their allies or escaping danger.

Necromancer: Necromancers command the forces of death and decay, summoning undead minions and draining the life force of their enemies to bolster their own power. They wield dark magic to control the battlefield and manipulate the flow of life and death.

Unspecified: Select none of the above subclass and gain a small chance of unlocking a hidden class. Note, not guaranteed.

Healer =>

Priest: Priests focus on divine magic and spiritual healing, calling upon the power of their faith to mend wounds, purify ailments, and protect their allies from harm.

Alchemist: Alchemists specialize in creating potions, salves, and elixirs to restore health and vitality to their allies. They also possess knowledge of herbalism and natural remedies.

Mystic: Mystics channel mystical energies to heal and support their allies, tapping into ancient rituals and arcane knowledge to provide protection, guidance, and rejuvenation.

Unspecified: Select none of the above subclass and gain a small chance of unlocking a hidden class. Note, not guaranteed.

[Please select your initial class and sub class]

"Assassin" Lin Fang had already chosen his class a long time ago but could not decide on which subclass he wanted.

All three had their advantages and weaknesses and Lin Fang intended to take his time so he won't regret his decision.

"Let's just go with a Shadowborn. Although toxins and venoms are reliable when it comes to slowly killing an enemy, if said enemy had high health regeneration or a healer, it'd be useless. Also, Executioner excel in exploiting weakness. If the enemy had high defence and we'll guarded weakness, won't it be near impossible to defeat them?" he said aloud.

"Shadowborn has to be the best option. You can't attack what you can't see or defend against what you didn't expect, right?"

"Only a fool will choose unspecified."

Lin Fang was about to tell the system his decision when suddenly;

[Because you have said too many sub classes, the last Subclass you chose will be your new subclass. Subclass has been chosen and confirmed.]

"What? No! Stop!"

[You have chosen your initial profession. You will be give five assassin items from which you can pick just one. Please make your choice wisely.]

Before he could continue to protest, five items floating inside bubbles appeared in front of him.

Concealable Dagger: A small, easily concealable dagger that can be used for close-range attacks or for silent takedowns.


Throwing Knives: Lightweight and easy to carry, throwing knives can be used for ranged attacks or distractions.

Smoke Bombs: Useful for creating diversions or obscuring vision, smoke bombs can help an assassin escape or create opportunities for stealthy maneuvers. <5 smoke bombs>

Lockpicks: Essential for gaining access to locked areas without drawing attention, lockpicks are handy tools for sneaking into buildings or bypassing obstacles.

Poison Vials: Poison can be a deadly tool in an assassin's arsenal. Beginner assassins might start with basic poisons to incapacitate or eliminate targets more discreetly.

Lin Fang felt like pulling his hair out. How could the system move on just like that? He didn't to change his subclass, yet, no matter how long he waited, the system only kept urging him to pick an item.

Lin Fang re-signed. No need crying over spilled milk, he consoled himself and regarded the items carefully.

The concealable daggers and Throwing knives would have fitted well with the Shadowborn subclass, he thought. Lin Fang wasn't sure what awaits him in the future but now that he basically didn't have a subclass, he picked something that might help him  in a fight.

The Concealable Daggers.

The other items burst into thin air.

[You have chosen an The Concealable Daggers as your initial item. Your stat are as followed:

Initial Skill → Swift Steps {+2 Spread, +2 Agility}

Initial Strength → 4

Initial Stealth → 25

Initial Perception → 15

Initial Defense → 3

Initial Speed → 10 {+2}

Initial Agility → 13 {+2}

Critical Strike Chance → 4/100%

Eversion/Dodge Chance → 23/100%

Mana → (10) 0.01/100%

Health → (30) 0.03/100%

Please set your pain limit;

0-2 => Unnoticeable

3-5 => Advisable

6-8 => High

9-10 => Unbearable

10 and above => Not Adviced

No one would be stupid enough to pick the last two options no matter how real they want their experience to be.

"Set pain limit to six."

[Pain Limit has been set at Six. When pain limit is exceeded by three points, you will immediately be logged out of the game. You can change your pain limit at will.]

[You have completed creating your character. You will now be sent to a random village in Novice Town. There, participate in missions to level up and earn coins. You can only leave Novice Village after level 10 and all stats at 50 or above.]

[Please note, wealth, resources and properties will be ranked every month and rewards will be given accordingly.]

[Remember, a day in Asura Realm is thirty minutes in the real world.]

[Have a Wonderful Day]

Everything went white again and after a few seconds, Lin Fang, or rather, Hon Ma Vương, found himself standing among tall blades of grass, the sky clear and blue above him and the air dancing around him.

Novice Village.

He was among other players who were appearing in flash of lights. Hon Ma Vương let his fingers brush over the tall grass. It immediately bent under his touch, wet with dew and sharp at the edge.

Fascinated, Hon Ma Vương let his fingers feel around him

The producers weren't lying when they said the game would have 100% realism.