You Must Not

Oh, honestly, this is the guy my dear little sister has fallen for? A demanding boy who doesn't know his place.

Rubine: Tatara you are back ...yes this is him.

Drew lifts his head to see him.

Sees a slender man, ash blonde hair, with an earring on his left ear.

Drew : You got a new accessory ...could it be when you couldn't save Anna ?! Pfft...(laughs)

Tatara: You killed her, you monster !!!

Drew : Saving you the time of you killing her-

Tatara kicks Drew from the chair, and he hits his back badly

Drew shouts in pain…

Tatara : You should have not mentioned her name !(steps on the side of Drew's face.)

Drew: White hair, fair skin and those eyes. Did you really not tell her how you felt?

Tatara : I'm trying to revive her with the blood of her kind, why I told Vira to locate a vexed blood. You went overboard on the day of the fire, you not only killed Anna, but you went after another person.

Tatara kicks Drew's head and sees him get knocked out.