With Wilbert and Sally, preparing food in the kitchen.
Wilbert : We must be aware that this place won't be so safe.
Sally: I will not believe you ....what did you say to Kaine?
Wilbert : I told her everything that her mother was another person all along, I told her many things I even met the daughter I never saw, Kaede.
Sally: How did she look like?
Wilbert : I would say... Like Kaine, but she has my eyes sadder but ... I -
Sally turns around to see Wilbert on the floor again.
Noelle : (cries out) Daddy??
Noehly : Mommy...
Sally : Wilbert, what is happening ?! Why is this happening again.
Alexster: Have you forgotten us ?! Dear Sally ?!
Sorrianna holding her baby: You did, didn't you?
Sally : How did you find us ?
Alexster : When he teleported with his daughters., he opened the door -
Sally: You don't have access unless he's awake...
Alexster :Wait, what happened ?
Sally :Don't give me that, you did this!!