
It's been weeks since Senna joined the Perma Racing team and it's safe to say he is pretty popular within the team. Senna is usually considered a kind person by the people who really know him and for others, he is cold as ice. Senna's personality is pretty famous in the world of Junior racing. People who race with him complain often in their TRs that Senna's driving is pretty dangerous and considered unsportsmanlike.

But the audience and the viewers look at it a different way. People admit that Senna's driving skills are indeed pretty aggressive but it contains elegance in his driving. When he is driving people will get excited and the team working with him claims that "Senna's driving is aggressive, but the weirdest part is the car goes just along with him as just as if car became a part of Senna".

Senna unknowingly achieves a realm of Machine and human integration realm. The car goes the way he wants and performs the way Senna wants it to perform as if a trusted partner doesn't want to fail him at any chance.

Due to the Epedamic of 2020, FIA suspended all F1 and F2 events. So , Senna went back to Moancao where his home.

For well-known reasons, both F1 and F2 were suspended for half a year, and now the competition has officially resumed.

  Wearing a mask and dragging the luggage back to the dormitory in Vicenza, a thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room. After cleaning up the next day

Senna was performing Neck Isometric Exercises with the guidance of Henry. The neck is held in a static position during these exercises against resistance, such as pressing the head against a wall or a resistance band. Without putting too much stress on the muscles in the neck, isometric exercises help build strength and endurance.

After performing his exercise he was performing cooling down stretches when he received a call from Team Principal Rene.

"Hello, Senna come to the factory" Rene spoke as soon as he attended the call. Senna knows there is something important that needs his attention so he leaves for the factory after informing Henry while wearing a Prema t-shirt and jeans.

The Factory was pretty near to Domitory so Senna walked all the way to the factory. He saw Rene was talking with someone in the waiting hall when he walked into the factory. Renne noticed Senna walking in and he excluded himself and came near Senna.

"Welcome Back." He smiled and bumped fists with Senna.

Senna also bumped fists with him and said, "To be honest, Boss, I feel that you have a more mature man's charm."

Renne smiled and did not respond, he was pretty used to Senna teasing him. At first, he was pretty shocked by Senna's attitude as he has a pretty famous reputation for being cold in the Paddock. When he spends more time with him Senna gradually opens up and Rene comes to know about Senna's real character.

Rene was preparing for the new season and taking care of the all things needed which took pretty much all the time he had. It's understandable to look pretty hagged because he was dealing with media and other stuff that needed his attention.

Rene changed the subject to avoid embarrassment and said, "Go to the factory. Sui has roughly checked the car for you and sprayed it with the paint of our team for the new season. It's waiting for you, the driver, to unveil it."

"Really? I can't wait!" Senna was indeed a little excited, no matter how many times he had done it before but every new time unravelling car that going to be his partner always excited him.

"Let's go, I hope you like our team's paint." Rene put down his work and went out with Senna going directly to the factory area downstairs.

Senna naturally followed suit.

Arriving at the factory area, a car was parked quietly in an open space in the factory area. A car cover with the Prema team logo was covered on the car body, hiding the details of the entire car's appearance, but Senna could still roughly see the outline of the car. Senna

knew that this was his own F2 car.

At this time, there were not only Senna's crew technicians waiting for Senna to lift the car cover around the car, but also many team staff were watching the excitement, and there were photographers holding cameras to shoot Senna.

  These photographers are probably helping the team shoot promotional videos for publicity. Being on the Hotshot world of Formula racing he was pretty famous as much as a Formula 1 Driver. There is a lot of expectation placed around him which Senna knows very well as he performs his best to fulfil it.

It's also an interesting fact is Senna is pretty handsome can be said he is very handsome. On the survey taken by the NewYork Times, Senna is considered to be one of the hottest athletes on the earth and he was placed in 24 place on the list.

So when Prema Racing announced its lineup for this season, Many companies wanted the team Sponsorship to advertise their company. Having a lineup of extremely famous drivers made a contribution to it. But the major reason they want to sponsor is because of Senna. Him being on the hottest rookie attracts various traffic on him and being handsome just adds more attention to him. He was asked many times to be models for various big brands. But, Senna refused claiming that he wanted to focus on race.

When Senna came to his car, his crew members and the Prema team staff who were watching the excitement around him applauded him at the same time. Although he was in a complicated mood, Senna did not hesitate. After a short deep breath, Senna grabbed a corner of the car cover and lifted it hard.

  The car cover, which was enough to cover the entire car, was pulled into the air by Senna's strength, and then Senna pulled it hard again, and the true face of the whole car was revealed in front of Senna.

  This F2 car uses the usual paint of the Prema team, a Combination of Red, Green and white and it was covered by various sponsor's logos. These are the personal sponsors of Senna. Under the instance of his grandpa, Senna accepted some of the sponsors.

On the side tank of the car, there was a pretty big logo of Armani being Senna's main sponsor for this season. it's said that Giorgio Armani was pretty impressed with Senna's image and performance in the field wanted Senna to be his spokesperson for Daily wear collection. There was a pretty big AMG printed on the tail of the car, When DRS open its split in half. Various other brand's logos are printed on the nose of the car. and the Mercedes logo was printed on the nose of the mouth. the Pream symbols are printed on the side and on the spoilers of the car

Senna liked his car pretty much, after revealing it he directly went to the nose of the car placed his hands on it and said "It's going to be a hell of a journey, partner!" as if the car was responding to him it suddenly glowed for a moment. People who saw pretty shock began to doubt their eyes and started to rub when they opened their eyes back everything was normal and believed they were just Hallucinating.

Senna sat in his car and felt pretty much comfortable. Senna always had an unusual feeling that when he sat in his car he pretty much knew everything happened on the car as the car became a part of him. After having this feeling, Senna to turned around and asked Renne, who was looking at him with a smile on his face: "Boss, when can I try this car?"

Hearing Senna's question, Renne was stunned.

Although he was very satisfied with Senna's love for racing, he was still a little embarrassed to pour cold water on Senna: "I'm afraid it won't work in the short term. This car has only been in our hands for less than a week. We have only carried out some basic inspections on it, and completed the installation of the custom monocoque, the spraying of the paint, the system adaptation of the steering wheel, etc. As for the more detailed and in-depth inspection of other components such as the engine and the car computer, I'm afraid we have to wait at least a week."

Senna feels there is nothing wrong with the car and he almost feels that the car wants to fire up its engine to begin to rave up the track to show its enthusiasm. It's as if the car talks to Senna. But before he says anything

 But before he can say anything, Renne said: "I know you are very anxious, and we also know that there will be no problem with the car that just came out of the manufacturer's factory. But kid, you have to know that your life safety is more important than your momentary excitement."

Senna sighed with some regret, but he was not an unreasonable person.

Although it was a pity that he couldn't sit in the monocoque and drive the car on the track, Senna still sat in the driver's seat that belonged to him before leaving, started the engine, and felt the rhythm of the car. The engine roared as the car came to life.

On the second day, Senna exercised his routine in the morning and returned to the team in the afternoon to start adaptive training with the simulator in the team.It is worth mentioning that the simulator Senna used in Prema is much more realistic than the simulator of the Mercedes F1 team.

This is not Senna's feeling, but the proficiency given by Senna by the training system on Prema's simulator is much higher than that given by the training system on Mercedes.

The reason is also very interesting. The simulator of the Prema team is the right to use the simulator of the Ferrari team. In a sense, Senna is using the Ferrari simulator. However, the simulator of the Prema team has removed the variables of vehicle upgrades and only needs to calculate the data of the F2 car and the track data. The simulator load is small, and the data that needs to be simulated is less, so the variables are naturally smaller, and the accuracy and simulation of the simulator are higher. However, the simulator of the Prema team still has shortcomings, that is, the hardware shortcomings.

The Mercedes simulator uses the monocoque of the F1 car as the cockpit. When you sit in it, you have the same perspective and body position as sitting in a real F1 car. Senna recently heard from the staff in charge of the simulator that they are going to introduce VR glasses to further increase the simulation of the simulator.

The Prema simulator is the kind of simulator solution that can be bought on the market. Although it is expensive and the simulation effect is also very good, the sense of substitution is not as strong as that of the Mercedes F1 team's simulator.

After starting normal work, Senna spent nearly a week practising on the simulator with the assistance of Jason and Sui Wentao and tried to test various adjustments and settings on various tracks, trying to find the most suitable adjustment for Senna's driving style.

To be honest, Senna didn't like this step and thought it was useless, because the car he drove in the simulator was not the F2 car he was really familiar with, so the simulated data might have a certain deviation. But he practised familiarising himself with the circuit layout.

After a week, Prema's inspection of Senna's car was also completed, and there was no problem, there was not even a trace of rust on the car, which meant that Senna could finally drive his car on the track.

Of course, in addition to Senna's car completing the inspection, Senna's teammate, Mick Schumacher's car also completed the inspection today. The two cars will be loaded and headed to the familiar Fiorano track for pre-race testing tomorrow.

From now on, the comparison between the two drivers of the Prema team begins.

Although F2 is not like F1 where teammates are the biggest enemies, two drivers from the same team will inevitably be compared subconsciously.

However, Senna did not think too much about it. The next day, he took ride on the big truck used by the team to transport the racing car back to Maranello.

There was no time to go to rest. After arriving in Maranello, Senna unloaded his F2 racing car with the technicians of his team and then changed into his racing suit in the P room.

 Senna's racing suit is the same as his racing car. But little different compared to his teammate as his suit is all black on the other hand Mick's race suit is in Traditional Prema's colours There is a sponsor logo on the surface, and it is very clean.

  As for the helmet, Senna was wearing a helmet that was personally designed Armani Graphics team. The Helmet was a combination of black and silver in colour with a Mercedes logo above the visor, the side of the helmet was decorated with sakura trees shedding their prink leaves floating around with moonlighting. Senna personally asked for this design he has been pretty obsessed with Sakura tress since the day he saw it in Japan. On top of his helmet, Hugh Armani's symbol has been printed and on the back, a stylish font of Senna has been written.

the car had already completed the self-inspection at Prema, Sui Wentao and other engineers only performed the most basic inspection on Senna's car after arriving at the track.

  After confirming that there was no problem, under's prompt, Senna knew that he could drive onto the track. However, Senna was not in a hurry, but sat in the driver's seat and took several deep breaths.

Senna did this to calm his somewhat restless heart matter how many times he had done it in the past this sensation for the first time driving his new car always felt new. Then he put the five fingers of his right hand together, 45 degrees upward, and gently patted the flip-flops of the car to buff his car.

  Senna could understand the car that wanted to go, he established a connection with his F2 car and clearly felt that after he had completed this set of rituals, the state of the car under him was obviously different. Some imperceptible metal fatigue, burrs and errors of parts disappeared automatically, and the whole car was in the best condition at this time.

After completing this ceremony, Senna drove the car out of the P room.

This was not only the first time Senna got familiar with his F2 car on the track, but also the first time he formally trained with his crew. He had to be familiar with Jason's command and the rhythm of the team's staff changing tyres. There were many items that needed to be tested today, but Senna was not in a hurry to start working.

  He first ran two laps on the track, then returned to the P room, increased the downforce a little bit, and then drove onto the track again, and then did his best to make a flying lap on the track.

  The final lap time was 1.03.661.

 Senna felt that he still had room for improvement, but it was not big, and could only be improved by 0.2 to 0.5 seconds at most. Due to the natural limitations of F2, Senna knew that he could not use this car to lap the car within one second on this track. After getting over the addiction of driving an F2 car with all his strength, feeling the huge downforce and side box G force provided by the Formula car, as well as the roar of the engine, Senna could not wait for his new challenges

  However, Senna did not forget the business he came here for today. After getting over the addiction, he began to cooperate with Jason's requirements to start testing on the track and collect various data.

  After a busy morning, Senna drove the car back to the P room.

  When Senna unbuckled his seat belt, lifted the headrest, took off his helmet, and was about to ask where to eat lunch , Jason came to Senna with a paper form and frowned.

  Sui Wentao, Alvin and Steve began to check the car system of Senna's car.

  Looking at Jason's expression and the actions of the other three people, Senna roughly guessed what might be wrong with the test results of this competition.

  "What's wrong?" Senna asked curiously, buckling the carbon fibre steering wheel that fits his hand shape and was very comfortable to hold back onto the car.

  "There is a problem." Jason handed the document in his hand to Senna and explained, "But it could also be that there is a problem with the telemetry system."

  Senna took the document curiously.

  While Senna was reading the documents, Jason said, "After the morning test, we exchanged test data with Mick's team. You know, it's all necessary procedures. By comparing your data, we found that the data on our car's tyre wear was a bit too abnormal. Did you deliberately protect the tyres on the track just now?" Senna was a little

distracted when looking at the data, so he didn't analyze the meaning of Jason's words carefully. After hearing the other party's question, he directly answered, "No." After hearing

Senna's answer, Jason nodded and said, "Then there should be a problem with the telemetry data."

  During this time, Senna also read the data given by Jason. After all, he has been in this industry for almost a year and Senna can be said to be familiar with reading data.

  The reason why Jason and others reacted so strongly was also found.

  The data showed that Senna's tyre failure was at least 19% slower than Mick's during the test.

Because it's really too much.

Because this number is extremely outrageous, Jason and others think that there is something wrong with Senna's vehicle telemetry system.


Hey guys, Hope you like this chapter !!!

More updates coming soon.

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Note: This book is inspired by How did I Become an F1 Driver? by lq连清