Dear Diary

I almost forgot to make an entry today. Thank God for the foresight I had to set a reminder every five minutes each day, to make me remember. But I've been too occupied to look at my phone.

I had one of the most stressful days of my life today and I can boldly say that I am drained. You know all those vampire movies you watch and only bones are left when the vampire is done draining a humans blood? I look exactly like the drained human.

Mother panicked the moment I came home, and when I told her how her husband had almost made my social life non-existent, she was very displeased. She said she'd "stop him from getting it this night", I wonder what that means? Oh well, it's probably financial things.

Alex said that I looked like my true self, a hideous witch?! How dare he?! Maybe my dark curly hair— that is most times unruly, fits the description, but that's all. I'm too cute to be a witch.