Chapter "Never Ever"

Fredy took his position on the field, his heart pounding. As he glanced at the goalkeeper, who met his gaze with a confident smile, doubt crept into Fredy's mind.

Meanwhile, Rurina and Ruby silently prayed for his success, their hopes riding on Fredy's shoulders.

Among the Shibata fans, nervousness hung heavy in the air, their expressions reflecting their doubts. Hamond and Henry exchanged glances, their eyes filled with hope and anticipation, willing Fredy to succeed.

As Fredy's panic grew, his breaths quickened, and fear coursed through him like wildfire.

In the midst of his turmoil, Henry's voice cut through the chaos, urging him on, "Come on, Fredyyyy! You can do it!"

Hamond added his voice to the chorus of encouragement, "You've got this!"

Rurina's voice rang out, pleading desperately, "Come on, Fredyyy, please do it for your best friend!"

Ruby's plea echoed Rurina's, her tone filled with urgency, "Please, Fredy, you have to score!"