Chapter "Contemplating Universes"

Fredy's eyes widened as he stared at the figure, who turned out to be Hamlyn, smiling back at him.

Hamlyn pressed a finger to his lips, signaling Fredy to stay silent. Fredy nodded in understanding. Hamlyn then removed his hand from Fredy's mouth, allowing him to breathe freely again.

Hamlyn stood up and motioned for Fredy to follow him. Fredy rose slowly and trailed behind Hamlyn.

As they both came out of the room, Fredy noticed Hamond and Henry standing around the corner, waiting for them.

Hamond and Henry spotted Hamlyn and Fredy, Hamond gave them a thumbs up, and Hamlyn mirrored the gesture.

Hamlyn and Fredy walked over to where Henry and Hamond were standing.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Fredy asked, sounding surprised.

"Oh, nothing much," Henry smiled. "We just felt like spending some time alone in the middle of the night, watching the calm still sea.”

"Silent sea?" Fredy asked, sounding confused.